The Enchanted Loom reviews Eric Kandel's book, In Search of Memory


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The Enchanted LoomTeasing sturdy threads from

neuroscience masterworks

Teasing 10 threads fromEric Kandel’s…

Thread 1:

A fundamental principle of dynamic psychology is that the unconscious never lies.

(pg. 25)

Thread 2:

Accidents, slips of the tongue, misspellings, failures of memory – each has a coherent and meaningful relationship to the rest of one’s psychic life.

(pg. 39)

Thread 3:

Learning and memory are central to our very identity. They make us who we are.

(pg. 116)

Thread 4:

I learned from experience that there are many situations that can’t be decided on cold facts alone. One ultimately has to trust one’s unconscious, one’s instincts, one’s creative urge.(pg. 149)

Thread 5:

Listen to the patient, not the literature.

(pg. 152)

Chinese Symbol for Listening

Thread 6:

Day Science is rational, logical and pragmatic. Night Science is a workshop of the possible. Hypotheses take the form of vague pre- sentiments, of hazy sensa- tions.(pg. 240)

Thread 7:

Recall of memory is a creative process. What the brain stores is thought to be only a core memory. Upon recall, this core memory is then elaborated upon with subtractions, additions, deletions and distortions.

(pg. 281)

Thread 8:

Built into the neural pathways of the brain are complex rules of guessing; they allow the brain to extract information from impoverished patterns. The brain is an ambi- guity-resolution machine par excellence!(pg. 297)

Thread 9:

Our sensory systems are hypothesis genera- tors. We confront the world neither directly nor precisely. Nerve fibers are not high fidelity record- ers. They accen- tuate certain features, neglect others.(pg. 302)

Thread 10:

Unconsciously perceived threats disproportionally affect people with high background anxiety, whereas consciously per- ceived threats activate the fight- or-flight response in everyone.

(pg. 387)

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