The Crucible Pecha Kucha


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The Crucible

Oral Paper Two Presentation by

Won Jun, Stephanie, Shellanita, Danny,

and Christabel

As the world today is advancing with development of

education, technology, and scientific studies, cultural and religious

superstitions are dissolving.


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“At any rate, very few Indians were converted, and the Salem folk believed that the virgin forest was the Devil’s last preserve, his home base and the citadel of his final stand. ”(from Introduction, paragraph 10)

“Don’t you understand it, Sir? There is a murdering witch among us, bound to keep himself in the dark!”

"I cannot think the Devil may own a woman's soul, Mr. Hale, when she keeps an upright way, as I have..." Elizabeth Proctor

“...the Bible speaks of witches, and I will not deny them” John Proctor

Religion & Deceit