The Anatomy of A Highly Effective Sales Call




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How I Persuade a Qualified Lead to Buy

When I talk to a lead, I do have a very specific framework for the discussion because within 90 minutes of saying hello for the very first time, my goal is to close the sale and get paid.

Experience has taught me one simple concept: qualified leads, if given answers to their questions, are generally ready to make a purchase decision in a very short period of time.

The Framework for Success

Phase 1 – Setting up the Call

Phase 1 – Setting up the Call

demonstrate to them that I’m not like every other nitwit who just starts verbally puking all over the place

Phase 1 – Setting up the Call

let them know what to expect (so they will let their guard down and relax)

Phase 1 – Setting up the Call

get a feel for their needs / wants / desires and motivation to change

Phase 2 – Ask Why They Took the Call

Phase 2 – Ask Why They Took the Call

Once I have set the stage for where I plan to take the conversation, the next thing that I want to get a feel for is how motivated someone is to solve their problems. To accomplish this, I usually ask, “Why did you book this call with me today?” and then I follow that one up with “What are you hoping to get out of today’s call?”

Phase 2 – Ask Why They Took the Call

Based upon the answers to these questions, I generally have a pretty good feel for what their agenda is, as well as how motivated they are to make a change. If I feel the motivation is low, I will most likely ask more probing questions until I find what their hot button is (a hot button is the pain they are trying to solve).

Phase 3 – Conduct a Self Assessment

Phase 3 – Conduct a Self Assessment

Now that I know what they want and how motivated they are, I need to gain a deeper understanding of how they feel about their business now. This is where I use my Lifecycle Self Assessment tool.

What Do You Want to Do Next?

“Ok, well, what would you like to do next?”

“Ok, well, what would you like to do next?”

These 9 words, if used at the right time in a sales interview (trust has been built, needs have been identified, motivation is present) are incredibly powerful because it puts the onus on my prospect to give me an answer that will help them to move forward.

“Ok, well, what would you like to do next?”

When they do that, they have made an emotional decision to work with me. Now we just need to create the logic to support the emotional decision.

Getting Agreement to Proceed

When they tell me what they want to do next, I respond by telling them what phase one normally includes and ask them if they are ready to proceed. If they say yes, I send them a payment link and they pay by credit card.

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