Thanksgiving on a budget!



Learn to have a happy and economical thanksgiving holiday on a budget. 10 tips to get you started.

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Thanksgiving on a Thanksgiving on a BUDGET!BUDGET!

While historians may quibble about the date and site of the first ThanksgivingThanksgiving, all agree that the events recognized the hardships our nation's early settlers endured and their courage, strength and faith in better times.

Centuries have passed, yet

due to a tough economy

many of us have something

in common with the Pilgrims

this year as we wonder how

we are going to put food on

the table.

Here are 10 Tips to help manage the cost of your Thanksgiving celebration!

1. Plan like a Pilgrim…• The first step is to decide

how much you can afford to spend.

• Decide how many people will sit down to dinner and plan a menu.

• Be sure to go through your recipes and make a shopping list so that you can find the best prices for each item with weekly grocery store specials and coupons.

• The early settlers had to plan to make it from harvest to harvest.

2. Gather together…

• Just like the Pilgrims and Native Americans, everyone should contribute to the feast.

• Consider asking everyone to bring a menu item or contribute the decorations or paper goods.

3. A bird in the hand…

• One of the biggest expenses is the turkey.

• Be sure you buy one that is only as large as you need.

• If everyone prefers white meat, purchase only a turkey breast rather than a whole bird.

4. Plymouth rock and roll…

•Streamline the holiday and

your budget by sticking with

easy recipes that don’t call for

a lot of ingredients and spices

you need to buy and may

never use again.

•Time consuming recipes

made from scratch often cost

more than prepared foods,

mixes, canned or frozen


5. The big day…

•Team up with someone

and shop at a wholesale

club in order to split large

package sizes and save

even more.

•You can also divide

potatoes, apples and

onions which are

cheaper by the bag.

Lindsay does it!

6. Don’t “Fall” for it…• TV commercials try to

convince us that everyone's

holiday homes are

beautifully coordinated with

themed glassware, plates

and decorations.

• Most people don’t live like


• See what you already have

on hand in and around your


• Spend money on one item

such as a tablecloth or

candles to dress up your

everyday plates and glasses.

• Make your own decorations:



7. It’s called a “Mayflower Mist”…

• Reduce expenses on sodas and alcoholic beverages by limiting the number of choices you’ll offer.

• A specially-themed cocktail or punch can add a festive touch to the celebrations and be created with only a few ingredients.

8. Sweet savings…

• It’s hard to leave room for dessert so why buy or make too much only to have it go to waste?

• Smaller dessert plates will also stretch the servings and offer stuffed guests just the right portion size.

9. Go cold turkey…

• Turn leftovers into “planned-overs” by downloading free recipe ideas in advance for food that will last more than one meal.

10. Lead the parade…There’s more to Thanksgiving than a large, expensive There’s more to Thanksgiving than a large, expensive meal. meal.

• Celebrate with a more economical morning breakfast or brunch while watching the parade.

• Or host a game day meal of pizza, subs and appetizers in front of the TV.

Above all…

Remember that the most important aspect of Thanksgiving isn't whatwhat you are serving, but rather whowho you are serving, so surround yourself with the people you care about most, and concentrate on family time and bonding!concentrate on family time and bonding!


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