Texas S Ta R Chart Slide Show


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Texas STaR Chart Results2008-2009


What is STaR Chart? 2008-2009 Results Small group feedback Comparison with 2007-2008 Results Questions for thought Summary Q & A

Texas STaR Chart

What is the Texas STaR Chart? Online resource tool designed to aid

schools in self-assessment in regards to technology

What impact do the data collected have on Texas schools? Data is reviewed and analyzed by

various parties to determine budgets, time-lines, needs, and to determine where schools are in respect to the Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020


Summary Area Totals/Number of Items

STaR Classification

Teaching & Learning 14/24 Developing Technology

Educator Preparation & Development

14/24 Developing Technology

Leadership, Administration, & Instructional Support

13/24 Developing Technology

Infrastructure for Technology

14/24 Developing Technology

Small Group Feedback

In what areas did you see strength? In what areas did you see weakness?

Comparison of2008-2009 and 2007-2008

Summary Area

2008-2009 Total

2008-2009 STaR


2007-2008 Total

2007-2008 STaR


Teaching & Learning

14 Developing Technology

17 Advanced Technology

Educator Preparation & Development

14 Developing Technology

18 Advanced Technology

Leadership, Administration, & Instructional Support

13 Developing Technology

16 Advanced Technology

Infrastructure for Technology

14 Developing Technology

18 Advanced Technology

Questions for Thought

Have we, as a campus, actually taken steps backwards involving technology?

What specific problems need to be addressed immediately?


Timberview High School has adequate technology to meet minimum state requirements.

Much work needs to be done to ensure Timberview students are receiving the best technology education possible.

For more information and data visit www.tea.state.tx.us/starchart