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Ateneo de Zamboanga UniversitySecondary Level, English Department

First Quarter Unit Examination Literature III (Introduction to World Literature)

Name: ____________________________________________ Score: ________________

Course and Year: _______________________ Date: _________________

Test I - Multiple Choice

Directions: Among the given set of choices, choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. Who among the following is a sonnet writer?a. Christopher Marloweb. Sir Walter Raleighc. Matsua Bashod. Elizabeth Browning

2. One thousand flyersAre heading to the NorthernTime is Pilgrimage

The poem above is an example of what kind of poem?a. Odeb. Sonnetc. Haikud. Tanka

3. Which if the following is a form of literature?a. cartoons in a newspaperb. photograph of sceneriesc. bulletin announcementd. sports game

4. Your teacher tells you to make a record of Albert Einstein’s life. What genre of literature should you compose?a. Anecdoteb. Novelc. Biographyd. Short story

5. Who among the people below can you consider as a man of literature?

a. a proponent of a billb. a referee in a basketball gamec. a chef reading a reciped. a martyr soldier

6. Who is the author of the story ‘Wedding Dance’?a. F. Sionil Joseb. Paz Marquez Benitezc. Amador Dagiuod. Edgar Allan Poe

7. Which of the following is not a significant in studying literature?a. studying different people and culture of the world b. becoming a literary writer c. appreciating local literatured. passing a course and getting high grade

8. In the story entitled ‘Gilgamesh’, why did the gods created Enkidu?a. The people of Uruk said their pleas to the gods.b. Gilgamesh asked the gods to create Enkiduc. Enkidu lived in the forest and needs to be sent to Urukd. The gods looked for a replacement of Gilgamesh

9. Which of the following is the literary work of Shakespeare?a. A River Merchant’s Wfeb. Romeo and Julietc. Oedipus Rexd. The Taximan’s Story

10. Who among the following is the first writer of sonnet?a. William Shakespeareb. Giacomo de Lentinic. Kahlil Gibrand. Ernest Hemingway

Test II - Matching Type

Directions: Match each definition in Column A to its respective genre in

Column B. Write only the letter of the correct answers before the number.

Column A

_____1. dramatic poetry accounting a story that commonly ends in the death of failure of main characters

_____ 2. short account (story) taken from a person’s true-to-life experience having moral lessons

_____ 3. revolves around the story of animals acting like humans

_____ 4. Japanese poetic genre

_____ 5. lyric poetry composed of 14 lines in iambic pentameter

_____ 6. lengthy prose divided into chapters with various characters and situations

_____ 7. an account from the Bible

_____ 8. fantastic stories attempting to explain the origin of themes

_____ 9. record a person’s life from birth to death or peak of achievement

_____ 10. narrative poetry accounting the story of a person (hero/heroin) having supernatural abilities overcoming supernatural phenomena

Column B

a. anecdote

b. biography

c. epic

d. essay

e. fable

f. haiku

g. legend

h. novel

i. parable

j. short story

k. sonnet

l. tragedy

Test III – Essay

Directions: Explain the following statements/questions in not less than five

sentences but not more than ten sentences. Your essay will be evaluated

based on the given rubric on the last page.

1. How does literature (literary works) affect the perceptions or intuitions

of students towards society? Explain.










2. Give three modern-day examples portrayed/reflected out of any

literary works presented. Elaborate these examples.










Rubric for Essay

 Unsatisfactory0 pts

Needs Improvement1 pts

Satisfactory2-3 pts

Outstanding4-5 pts Score

Content & Development


- Content is incomplete.- Major points are not clear.-Specific examples are not used.

Needs Improvemen


- Content is not comprehensive and /or persuasive.- Major points are addressed, but not well supported. - Responses are inadequate or do not address topic.-Specific examples do not support topic.


- Content is accurate and persuasive.- Major points are stated.- Responses are adequate and address topic.- Content is clear.-Specific examples are used.


- Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.- Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.- Responses are excellent, timely and address topic.- Content is clear.-Specific examples are used.

Organization & Structure


- Organization and structure detract from the message.- Writing is disjointed and lacks transition of thoughts.

Needs Improvemen


- Structure of the paper is not easy to follow. - Transitions need improvement.- Conclusion is missing, or if provided, does not flow from the body of the paper.


- Structure is mostly clear and easy to follow.- Transitions are present.- Conclusion is logical.


-Structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow.- Transitions are logical and maintain the flow of thought throughout the paper.- Conclusion is logical and flows from the body of the paper.

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling


- Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Needs Improvemen


- Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.


- Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed with minor errors.Spelling is correct.


- Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.


Adapted from http://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=K6A283&sp=yes&
