Tennis Tips Elevator Pitch


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1. TennisTips By Jose Mejia, Skyler Brown, Jalen Bowens 2. People new to tennis playing at school Need to learn the language used Before playing Want to know what to do 3. [Problem] Kids wanted to play tennis, but didnt want to look stupid while playing. 4. [Question] How can we help people learn to play tennis? 5. [Key insight statement(s)] Our school is really diverse and were good at tennis. Its a really big team, and people want to play but dont know how. This helps them learn on they own time. 6. Insert video 7. [User profiles] Lots of kids havent played before. Their friends and parents might not play. Its easy to look at your phone with something made by other kids. 8. [Flow of app & user feedback integrated] Our app will look like our wireframes. 9. [Key wireframes 1/3] 10. [Key wireframes 2/3] 11. [Key wireframes 3/3] 12. We started making the app already. It should be done soon. 13. Its not too hard to make an app, you just need time Jalen I like learning about app design Jose Being creative is a key Jalen Were taking advantage of our resources to make something to help people Skylar