Ten thing about you


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COSTUME Costume- Costumes are carefully chosen by the director to create different meanings inside the viewer's mind. For example, the main character is wearing black hoodie which has many connotations. First connotation is that she is an outcast, meaning she has no friends and is different from the other girls. The fact that she is wearing a hoodie differentiates her from others by signifying her as a tomboy, who likes to wear a boy’s clothes. Also, the colour black implies evilness and mean which reflects on the character's personality of her being a rebel. This makes her stand out from the other girls as she is the only girl who is wearing black. All the connotations are chosen for purpose to paint an image on consumers head.

Colourful costumes are worn by the cameos, these shows the era that the movie was made in. From looking at the costume, I think the movie was made in early 2000. From looking at the opening scene I could identify the target audience and the genre of the movie. For example, the characters are wearing casual dress such as jeans which portrays them as the typical teenagers. This suggests that it is aimed at toward teenage girls as the demographics of teen wear casual clothes such as jeans.


The movie has used three point lighting. It is fairly bright because these types of films tend to be quite light hearted and nothing really dark is going on. It helps to create the right type of atmosphere. 


Location- The location of this genre is high school because it's associated with teenagers as they spend most of their time there. The characters in teen dramas are all othe similar age, they are usually set in high school. Teenagers will watch this movie because it is set in a related place.

Mix of sub-genre- Drama, Comedy and Romance.

Unpopular- In this movie the character is unpopular and does not want to fall in love. This can be seen with the colour of the hoodie, she is wearing which portrays she is against love. However, if she was in love, she would be wearing red to connate she is in love or wants to fall in love.

Stereotypes - Stereotypes are shown within the opening sequences. For example, they have shown different types of cliques to represent different variety of stereotypes, which are found in high school. As you can see from the image, they are portrayed as popular and rich by the costume and the vehicle they own.


Throughout the opening sequence it has non diegetic sound. For example, it starts with upbeat music, which is catchy, creating a mood of joy and happiness. However the music changes to a rock song when the lead character is revealed. This connotes she is mean and is a violent and a tomboy.

The sound bridge is used to show the scene is linked.


Establishing shot - The first establishing shot is of tall skyscrapers in a far distance. Tall skyscrapers signify that the location is set in the city place. It paints an image of busy city and overcrowded with people.

Crane- Crank with pan movement has linked to a wide variety of shots such as Establishing shot, long shot and mid shot. It helps to show neighbourhood, surrounding and cameos, which are majority of teenagers going to the high school. It gives us a sense of the audience, class and location of the target audience.

Pan movement- The camera pans from left to the right to reveal the main character. This creates suspense and also makes the audience eager to know what it is going to show.


Class- This movie is aimed at middle class. This can be seen by the costume that the main character is wearing, which are normal jean and a hoodie. If the movie was aimed towards higher class, she would be wearing a dress, carrying a designer bag, accessories such as glasses, and noticeable make up. The reason behind aiming the movie at middle class is because majority teenager falls into a middle class family. By aiming at them, the movie would be targeted towards the mass amount of teenagers which could lead to more profit.

Also, her old vehicle that is worn off and has different colours illustrate her class. This point out that she falls under middle class, as she has her bonnet coloured in white and the rest of the car with red. Whereas, other blue car is a convertibles which connotes wealth and the colour blue of the car signifies they are cool. On the other hand the colour of the lead character is red which implies she is powerful and the colour may be used to foreshadow that she might fall in love later on in the movie.

Location – The location is in united states which implies that they are aiming the movie towards US audience.

E- People who are in high school.

a- 16 - 20 - This movie is aimed towards 16 to 20. This can be seen in the choice of character because they all look like they are in their early 19th.

R- White - Majority of races are white ethnicity. This can be seen in the opening sequences as all of the cameo and the characters are white. They have chosen white character so it appeals to wider audience living in an English speaking country.

S- This movie is most likely to be watched by female audiences. This is because drama is associated with a female rather than male and also the lead character is a female, indicating that the movie is aimed at female.

CAMERA SHOTS close up - Close up is used to show facial expression of main

character. Close up of her face expression indicates she is not interested and dislike the music that was being played. Close up is used to show how the character is feeling.

high angle - to show cars and people crossing. Also, to show the binary opposite of the two characters. For example middle class and higher class. This can be seen through the differences in those car. Red washed out car connotes the main character belongs to the middle class. However, other blue car connotes rich and wealth because it is convertible which is associated with richness. The point of view or the high angle shot makes you feel powerful and that you are the one who decide which class they belong to.

Establishing shot - A establishing shot of a high school is used to show where the movie is set. In this case it is high school because the target audience are teenagers.

Tracking shot - A tracking shot follows the main character where she goes. This gives her the importance and indicates she is the main character of the movie. This helps to lead the narrative. Steady camera has been used while tracking the character because if it was shaky it would connate there was violence involved.