Teen Drama Shows Over The Year




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Teen Drama ShowsGowthaman Seevaratnam

Teen drama shows have developed over the years, but still the same. This presentation will explain how.




The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis

This show is about a teenager wanted the life with money, being popular, and getting all the girls.


The Wonder Years

This show is about a boy and his best friend starting high school.


Saved by the Bell

This show is about six individual students and their lives in high school.


Degrassi High

This show is about different students and how each of them make their way through high school.


Boy Meets World

This show is about two best friends and how they make it through high school, and how they face challenges along the way.


Breaker High

This show is about high school students that travel the world on a cruise ship.


Dawson’s Creek

This show is about four friends from a small town. They go through different types of teenage drama and how they resolve it.



This show is about two step sisters that are the same age, but from different social groups in high school try and break the walls.


One Tree Hill

This show is about 5 teenagers that live in a small town and the challenges they face in high school.


The OC

This show is about a street-smart teen that gets involed with high class society teens and how he copes.


Laguna Beach

Unlike the other shows, Laguna beach was a reality show. This show followed a couple of teens and recorded their normal and dramatic lives.


Gossip Girl

This show is about high class teenagers that attend a private school in New York.



This show is about a group of teenagers and how they cope through high school life.

Basically this presentation shows how teen high school dramas have grown through the years. It also shows how they stayed the same. The way they changed is they now have more drama and less school. The clothing has changed over the years. The thing that stayed the same is the group of friends or like the two friends going into high school.

The trend back then was using school in the shows. It shows the students in class and doing things in the class room and not a lot of drama.

The trend right now is more drama, less school. If you do see the main character in a class room its probably only for a couple of seconds.

I think the trend in the future will be no school at all. Look back at all the trends, school is starting to fade away from teen drama.

High Culture / Low Culture

Low culture people would watch these teen dramas and buy the DVD’s and actually get into the drama in the show.

High culture people wouldn’t watch this show, or buy the DVD’s


The target audience for these shows are for people who like drama and suspense shows. The shows take place in high school so the teens that watch it might go through the same thing that why they might keep watching it. I like this because it puts shows how teens are in high school and what they go through. I dislike it because some of the situations are unreal.
