Technology and project based learning 1.18


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Technology and Project Based Learning

Technology and Project Based Learning Eric Shipman Clearwater Middle SchoolIn Social Studies

About Me 8th Grade Social Studies: Clearwater, KS 10th year teaching 4 at CMS and previous 6 at Junction City Middle School K-State/Emporia StateMS Curriculum and Instruction MS Educational Administration MS AD/Coach/SponsorFootball, Track, Student CouncilContact Information Cell-785-341-1585 Email: Twitter: @ericshipman

Wife: Shelbi Daughter: Sydney

Philosophy in 1 Word: Doing Learning occurs when students are doing Project Based Learning: an approach in which students actively explore problems and challenges and acquire deeper

PBL Video from edutopia

Five Keys to PBL 1. Real-World Connection 2. Core to Learning3. Structured Collaboration 4. Student Driven 5. Multifaceted Assessment

Creating a PBL ProjectAs a group..Using the internet, other people in the room, or your own noggin find a new PBL idea. You have 5 minutes

Technology and PBL Most teachers cant take their students into the real-world regularly but technology can help bring the real world into the classroom. Technology also can compliment the ideas of project based learning. There are a variety of tools but teachers need time to discover, play, and plan.

QR Code What is it?A quick response code or QR code is a two-dimensional barcode which contains information How to use it? Often used to link information to students i.e. websites, video etc. Students can use them to create displays about their learning

Creating a QR codeStep 1: Write a sentence on a piece of paper about your parents. Step 2: Go to the website qrstuff.comStep 3: on the left panel select plain textStep 4: type your text into the white boxStep 5: click on the QR code on the right side Step 6: save your qr code to the camera roll by holding your finger down on the screen and then select save image.

Kahoot From there website: A classroom response system that creates an engaging learning space through a game-based digital pedagogy What it is: An easy way to create Buffalo Wild Wings trivia game for your class.

How to use it: Have students create their own Kahoot. Have students complete a set of math problems during class and then have a kahoot with a random selection of questions.

Blubbr What is it? Similar to Kahoot blubbr allows people to make trivia games from videos How to use it? Students can create their own video and then load it online. Finally they can create a trivia game for others. Teachers can use it instead of a lecture format: Example:

Creating videos What? Have students create videos that explain their learning. Instead of students showing their work in math on paper, have them explain how they completed the work. Have students create a video about a topic. Free Apps: --Videolicious (iPad) --AndroVid (android)

Creating Websites What? Have students create websites to display their learning.

How? Students can create easy websites that include pictures, text, and videos using the app/website wordpress

Augmented Reality What is it? Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes a computer generated image on a users view of the real world. In other words, it creates a video or display when you scan a trigger. How to use it? Have students create a display (poster, artifact, etc.) and then explain their learning of the concept using a video they create Highlight features of the textbook with explanationsApp/website I use: Aurasma can be used on android, ipad, or internet
