Teaser vs main poster, Thor: The Dark World


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Teaser vs Main Poster


• Teaser posters are designed to give a basic image of the film without revealing too much about the plot, generally for the purpose to create awareness for the film and promote it.

• Main posters contain the full content in a movie and reveal more about the plot, theme and characters in the movie. They’re normally released a short while after the teaser poster, before the launching of the movie.

Teaser Poster Features. The teaser poster only features one main, iconic, image. Teaser posters often use symbols or objects only associated with the movie – the object used in the teaser poster is Thor.

The poster only features the title of the movie. Some teasers use the tagline as well, however I think that the title has just been used because the character and film series is well known already – the tagline wouldn’t be needed to generate interest.

Another common feature of teaser posters is the character looking off into the distance, we see this here. This technique is used to make the audience more interested in the film as the focus of the main character is unknown and presumably important.

Main Poster Features. The main poster often reveals more about the plot of the film, in this poster we see more of the main characters and the villains which reveals more about the films genre and themes.

The main poster also shows more of the main images, such as characters and themes. The movie credits are also shown on the poster which include the main actors, producers and directors who have worked on the film – giving more information on the movie.

The date is also clearly shown on the poster, which is another feature, they normally make the release date clear so people have an idea of when the film will be out so this builds up anticipation for the films release.

Teaser vs. Main Similarities

Teaser MainBoth posters feature the main character, Thor, looking into the distance. This is done to create some mystery as to the plotline, it makes the audience question what he’s focused on and therefore makes the film more intriguing.

The posters both clearly feature the release date, this creates anticipation for the film and makes the audience more excited for the release of the film. Having it on both posters ensures that the audience know when the film is going to be out.

The fonts and characters featured are also the same across the two posters, having consistency makes the film more recognisable and will therefore make more people want to watch. Chris Hemsworth (Thor) also features across both posters, showing that he’s a selling point for the films and including him on the posters makes audiences more interested in the film.

Both posters also feature either weapons (teaser) or explosions (main) which connote the action genre, making this clear across both posters means that the genre will reach the intended audience and make them interested in the film.

Teaser vs. Main Differences

Teaser MainThe teaser poster only features one character, whereas the main poster features all of the main characters. This is done to make the film recognisable, but not reveal too much about the film from only the teaser poster. Having one main character makes the teaser more effective because it highlights the protagonist of the movie and intrigues the audience without revealing anything about the plot. The main poster, however, features many objects which makes audiences interested in how they will all feature in the film.

The teaser features a much more simple background, the cloudy sky and debris connotes conflict in the film, but doesn’t reveal what that conflict will be. Whereas the main poster uses the same cloudy sky and reveals the villains of the film. Not including the villains makes the film more ambiguous and could potentially draw more people in, however including the villains on the poster makes the poster more interesting and could also be helpful for drawing in an audience.

The teaser poster features no information about actors, directors or producers – it’s solely about advertising for the film. Although this still creates interest, including the actors, directors and producers (like in the main poster) can be useful for advertising the film using actors as USP’s. An audience might not be a fan of the Thor franchise, but may be interested in an actor in the film – including credit blocks and star names help to create awareness of the actors role and could draw in a bigger audience.