Task 1 work sheet 2 sebastian kim




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Shauna Leacy

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Sebastian Kim (Portraiture Photography)

Shauna Leacy



Shauna Leacy


Shauna Leacy


Shauna Leacy


Shauna Leacy


Theme or focus of images

A. This is a photo of Steve martin the actor this was taken for Time magazine it’s a portrait style picture, it has been edited in black and white, there isn’t much happening other than a normal smiling picture, it was taken in Los Angeles for the LA Times. It isn’t the usual black and white serious photo because he’s smiling.

Shauna Leacy

B, This is a portrait style picture of the singer marina and the diamonds that’s been taken for an interview, she has been edited in a 3D doubled effect it gives it a more unusual look because of the way she has he hand over her face, the colours are reds, greens and blues it looks as if the light is reflecting off her jewellery and causing smudge look. She has been dressed in a leather jacket with her hair and make up done her hair is up and exaggerated to be big.

C. This is a portrait style picture of Thomas McDonnell who is an actor this picture is in black and white and he has been styled to look very different than normal it looks like the photographer has gone for a rough look with the plain white top and loose jacket and his hair all over the place.

D. This is a picture of Uggie the dog which has been taken for Time magazine this is different from the rest because it being a famous animal instead of a famous person the picture is in black and white and the dog is looking towards the direction of the camera the dog looks very well trained to sit still for the photo.

E. This is a photo of the actor Michael Fassbender he seems to be leaning on a chair with his arms folded and his head resting on them he’s looking down, only some of the chair as been caught it the photo it looks very worn out. It’s all in black and white against a plain background.

F. this photo is of actress Rachel McAdams for W Magazine in an article for ‘Woody’s Women’ its about Woody Allen, the photo is in black and white she is in front of a plain background, she has a black shirt on and her hair is done and also her make up. She is posing with her hand up against her chin looking side on away from the camera looking down.


A. the photo has been zoomed in the get a portrait picture he has stood directly in front, he has chosen to include front just below his shoulders and up because he’s capturing the person not what he’s wearing etc. so he hasn’t included anything else because this photo is for an interview.

B. This has been zoomed in to make it a portrait picture the photographer has chosen to include her from her mid chest upwards again this being taken for a interview its best to get a picture of the person properly so you know who it is. He hasn’t included much of the space around her because it wouldn’t be a portrait picture.

C. This picture has been slightly zoomed in and includes him mid waist upwards, the photographer has taken the picture directly in front so he gets him stood centred it being a portrait picture the photographer hasn’t included his whole body he’s taken to picture to go with an interview its not about what he’s wearing.

D. The photographer has zoomed in to take the picture and also he is directly in front of the dog he hasn’t included the whole of the dogs body in the photo he hasn’t included its paws, because the dog is famous and has been in films, its important that the photographer captures the dogs face properly so you know who the dog is.

E. The photographer has zoomed in and has included the top half of his body the purpose of the photo is to go along side an interview which means that it doesn’t matter much about what he’s wearing the focus of the photo it more on the actor himself.

Shauna Leacy

F. the photographer has zoomed in and taken the photo of her looking away for the camera, the photographer has included her from chest upwards because then you can see her make up in more detail than if it was taken for far away, the photographer has framed the picture in a certain way because its focused on her face more than anything else because if the interview is about her then why would you want to see what she’s wearing.

Techniques used

A. there isn’t many techniques used in this style of photo because its simple but the depth of field is that the main focus and closed the camera is him and his face, the shutter speed is middle because it picks up the lighting on his face and makes the picture look brighter, the rule of thirds is that basically the middle of his face is right in the middle.

B. cant really make out the shutter speed due to it being edited, the depth field she is closed and only thing in the whole photo, the rule of third is that the middle is the bottom half of her face.

C. the shutter speed is slightly quicker because his face has lighting on it and his face appears bright in this photo, the depth of field its basically just him in the photo there isn’t much else to make focused on it, the rules of third is his face is pretty much centred.

D. the shutter speed seems slightly faster because of the brightness of the photo, the depth of field is just the dog it’s the only thing in the photo, the rules of third is the dogs face is centre of the image.

E. the shutter speed seems slightly faster it’s a bright photo, the depth of field its just him in the photo he is fully in focus, the rules of third is that his bottom half of his face is centre of the photo making it the main focus.

F. the shutter speed seems to be slightly fast because she the photo is bright, the depth of field is its only her in the picture there isn’t anything other than the plain backdrop in the background making her the main focus, the rules of third is the centre of the photo is the bottom half of her face making her face the main focus.

Strengths & Weaknesses

A. the strengths in this photo is that it shows off the actors personality and makes the main focus in the picture his face which a lot of people recognizethe weakness is that it would be better in colour. B. the strengths in this photo are the colours and how well they go together and how bright they are along with the editing it makes it look different and unique.the weaknesses are that if she was posing differently and you could see her face properly.

C. the strengths in this photo are that his outfit goes really well with the editing of the photo the weaknesses are even though his pose fits the ‘image’ it could of looked a lot better if he was looking directly at the camera.

D. the strengths in this photo are that the dog is sat still and is looking might not be directly at the camera but the photographer has taken the photo perfect timing whilst the dog is looking towards the cameras direction.The weaknesses that it might of looked better in colour.

Shauna Leacy

E. The strengths in this photo is the way he is posing give it a dramatic/serious look including the black and white adds to it maybe fitting the interview to go with it.the weaknesses are that he hasn’t centred him he is slightly of the one side, if the photographer centred him in the picture is would look better.

F. The strengths in this photo are the way she has been told to pose is suits the way she is styled and also the black and white gives it a old fashioned vintage look which is what I get from the way she is styled.the weaknesses are if she was looking more towards the camera than away because I didn’t notice who It was at first.
