


Photos from our PLA 2010 Talk Table titled DIY Usability Study: Is Your Library People Focused?

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We began with a group exercise. The groups discussed the following questions.

Next we gave an overview of our usability project. These are some of the visuals we created, some were to visualize our thought process

others are recommendations.

This is a floor plan of the branch we created.

This is a visual representation of a word association exercise we

conducted with patrons & staff. The size indicates the

frequency of occurrence.

This is a flow analysis in which we mapped out all

possible processes a patron can go though in looking for

a book.

We call this a single point service model that we

created using the preexisting structure and

service point.

We shared with the group some of the tools we used during our usability study.

Next we did a usability exercise together. We did a word association and the group wrote down the words that pop into their heads when they think of the public library.

We had a discussion about usability as we see it currently in the library.

Each group then selected a method. This group decided to use behavioral archaeology in the PLA exhibit space.

This group created personas/character profiles of potential patrons.

This group used the 5 Whys technique to analyze self-check out.

These are the participants hard at work.