Tales of the alhambra celia garcía


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Chapter 1:

In a corner o the Square of the Cisterns. There’s an old Arab well with clear water and cool. In the past, water carries travelled up an down the Alhambra Hill all day to sell this water to people. One of these water carriers was a man called Peregil. To make your job easier Peregil buy a donkey to carry their water. At the end of thiring day decided to make one last journey up the hill to collect water. He arrived at the well and saw there. He was a Muslim and he was ill. Peregil helped the man took him to house, but Peregil’s wife was furious. Why did you bring home a Muslim?. It’s dangerous for us, but Peregil didn’t listen to his wife. I’m dying, said the Muslim. Take this box as a reward for your charity. Then, the Muslim died. Now, they’ll send us to prision, she said. He and his wife took the body and hid I the river Genil before daylight.

Chapter 2:

A gossiping barber lived opposite Peregil and he saw a Peregil with his wife carrying the Muslim´s body. The nest day, The Mayor, finally, decided Peregil and his wife were innocent. One day, Peregil was very tired he threw the box on the floor. The candle and the parchment felt out. Peregil has arrived the box to the Tower of the Sven Floors on the Alhambra Hills and found one treasure.

Chapter 3:

Peregil and Muslim went to the mysterious tower. Went downstairs and found a treasure. They took many, Peregil went home his wife said: Where you´ve been? Peregil showed him the jewels, the barber hear everything and went to palace and told the Mayor.

Chapter 4:

The Mayor call to Peregil and the Muslim told to take him to where the treasure. The them to that place and the Mayor, the Baber and Servant, stayed with treasure and the Muslim and Peregil were the ground was closed and the Mayor, the barber and servant were there. With the treasure Peregil changed his name to Don Pedro Gil had a son and his wife was a more happy.


Chapter 1:

Many years ago in Salamanca, lives a poor student called Don Vincent. He played the guitar and had a lovely voice. He sang and even begged for money to pay for their studies. In the convent he goes to hour lunch. In the summer holidays, he travelled from town. It was the summer and Don Vincent had time to travel and make some money. He arrived in Granada. One afternoon, a priest and a young maiden arrived at the Avellano Fountain. The pretty young maiden captivated Don Vincent’s heart. He tried to attract her attention but she was very timid. She did not look at him, he was very frustrated.

Chapter 2:

The priest and maiden got up to leave. As they left the square, the maiden looked back timidly at Don Vincent. Don Vincent asked the local people about the pair. ‘’Who are they?’’ he asked. ‘’Where do they live?’’, ‘’That’s Father Thomas and his servant, Emmeline’’, they told him. ‘’They live in the big house next to the mosque’’. He serenaded her at night with the guitar but Emmeline did not appear and Don Vincent despaired! On the Eve of St John, Don Vincent walked along the river and sat opposite a bridge. He watched the happy couples and felt very envious. Suddenly, The Soldier guarding the bridge go and had a shield and a sword, but nobody looked at him as they crossed the bridge. Don Vincent approached The Soldier and said to him.

Chapter 5:

The next day, Don Vincent visited Father Thomas’ house. Father Thomas! Come quickly! I need your help! , he shouted. The student explained his mission. Emmeline wasn’t interested in the treasure. She only wanted to help the poor soldier. ‘’Let’s go now!’’ she said. This was a big problem because Father Thomas loved food. On first day, he eat, on second day, too and on the third day, he resisted all temptation of food. On the evening, they all went to the tower. Emmeline touched the chest with the ring and the lock opened. They all looked at the treasure in wonder.

Chapter 6:

They took all the gold, that the priest could eat and leave them locked their knight. He can go to guard the bridge, but he is still invisible. Did you see him?


Chapter 1:

There was a once a Moorish King named Aben Habuz. He governed the Kingdom of Granada. The King had many enemies and they often attacked the city. One day, an old Arabian astrologer called Ibrahim Ebn Abu Ayub arrived at the palace from Egypt. The king gave the astrologer a small cave and Ibrahim decorated it with many strange symbols. One day the king asked him to make a model of Lion to fright the enemy.

Chapter 2:

Ibrahim started to build an enormous tower. Finally, he put a figure of a Moorish horseman on top of the tower. ‘’This horseman will always turn in the direction of our enemies’’, Ibrahim said. One day, there was an invasion from the north and the magic horseman inmediality turned in that direction. Don’t call your soldier. You can fight with the chess pieces in the tower. This was incredible moving parts alone and fought a battle.

Chapter 3:

The King asked the astrologer dancing women and handsome young King gave them surprise. One day, the magic horseman turned towards a place called Guadix, this was a strange when the board wasn’t moving parts. The king sent his soldiers to Guadix and after three days they returned with a maiden because there was no enemy. She’s beautiful. The astrologer said she was a witch, it would be a problem for the king.The king thinks that it’s impossible. She’s beautiful and good.

Chapter 4:

The king spent much money on the princess, but people of Granada became angry because they didn’t like the princess from Guadix. One day, there was a rebellion against the king. He managed to pacify his people. The astrologer told him to get rid of it, but the king doesn’t want. Help me, I was wrong, the king said. The astrologer would help him a reward and spoke of the magic garden of Irem.

Chapter 5:

The king asked him to build a garden and did. ’’It’s one of the most beautiful gardens in the world a paradise like the Magic Garden of Irem. I protected it with a spell and it’s invisible to normal people. It’s ready for you and the princess. At the entrance, the astrologer pointed to a mysterious hand and key on the wall. ‘’They’ll guard the entrance to this paradise until the hand takes the key from its place’’. Now, I must have my promised reward! shouted the astrologer. ‘’ The princess is the first living creature to enter the garden! She mine now. No! shouted the king. Take her white horse! Take all my treasures instead.

Chapter 6:

I don’t need your treasures, said Ibrahim. The princess is mine! Keep your promise! No! shouted the king, angrily. You tricked me! ‘’Then, goodbye Your Majesty’’, said the astrologer. Immediately, Ibrahim disappeared into the earth with the princess. The king was terrified. Where are they? He shouted. A thousand started to didn’t find the astrologer or the princess. Even Ibrahim’s cave disappeared.



Peregil is a poor worker who met a Muslim and said before he died he had a treasure in the tower of the seven floors, his wife was angry thought that they would be put in jail, went to hide

the body and they saw and heard his neighbor who lives across Peregil, the neighbor told the mayor, the mayor was a greedy man, Peregil led them to the mayor and his servant to the treasure, but there remained locked, Peregil escaped, he stayed with wealth, he had a son and his wife was more cheerful.


Don Vincent was a poor student played guitar and had a good voice, he traveled to Granada where he fell in love with a girl, she lived with Father Thomas. He went to fetch her home and sing a serenade, she also was in love with Don Vincent. One day he met a soldier happy, the soldier said he had a treasure, but had a problem needed a beautiful maiden and a fasting cure, then called his father Thomas and Emmeline opened the treasure, but while they were with the treasure, the soldier escaped and locked them.


There was a king named Aben Habuz, he ruled Granada, was found to an astrologer, the king told him that if he would do favors helped him, gave him a cave. When I asked him were about to invade helps the astrologer and said that chess could control the army, the astrologer asked him beautiful women and youth. The king found a princess of another kingdom, the king was worried because the kingdom is angry. Then to hide the astrologer made a magical garden, but ultimately the astrologer took the princess as a reward.


- Corner: Esquina Page 8 ‘’In a corner…’’ / ’’Strip the ball from the corner’’.

- Well: Pozo Page 8 ‘’There’s an old Arab well…’’ / ‘’Drank well water’’.

- Steps: Pasos Page 14 ‘’They arrived at the entrance and sow steps…’’ / ‘’Steps were heard’’.

- Thunder: Trueno Page 14 ‘’There was a sound of thunder…’’ / ‘’On the street was heard thunder’’.

- Unfortunately: Desgraciado Page 10 ‘’Unfortunately, a gossiping…’’ / ‘’Unfortunately, my dog died’’

- Robbery: Robo Page 10 ‘’I think there was a robbery’’ / ‘’This cat robbery the fish’’

- Angry: Enfadado Page 16 ‘’The Muslim was angry’’ / ‘’The dog was angry’’

- Wise: Sabio Page 17 ‘’It was Allan’s will, said the wise Muslim’’ / ‘’Heed the wise’’

- Many: Algunos Page 22 ‘’Many years ago in Salamanca’’ / ‘’Many days ago in my house, met a dog’’

- Maiden: Doncella Page 23 ‘’One afternoon, a priest and a young maiden…’’ / ‘’The maiden is very beautiful’’

- Mosque: Mezquita Page 24 ‘’They live in the big house next to the mosque’’ / ‘’The mosque is very beautiful’’

- Soldier: Soldado Page 25 ‘’The soldier were a suit of armour…’’ / ‘’The soldier was angry’’

- Quickly: Rapidamente Page 32 ‘’Come quickly!’’ / ‘’Quickly fled’’

- In wonder: Maravilloso Page 33 ‘’They all looked… in wonder’’ / ‘’In wonder, looked at the ring’’

- Lid: Tapa Page 34 ‘’The next moment, the lid closed…’’ / ‘’The lid opened’’

- Enemies: Enemigos Page 40 ‘’The king had many enemies…’’ / ‘’The enemies are very dangerous’’

- Cave: Cueva Page 40 ‘’Thank you, Your Majesty… …a cave’’ / ‘’The cave is very dark’’

- Battle: Batalla Page 43 ‘’You can fight battle…’’ / ‘’The battle was very long’’

- Bracelet: Pulsera Page 45 ‘’She wore brigt… …bracelet on her arm’’ / ‘’The bracelet shining among all other’’

- Above: Encima Page 50 ‘’Then, the astrologer… …above his cave’’ / ‘’The book is above the table’’

- Laugh: Risa Page 52 ‘’Then, goodbye… …a cruel laugh…’’ / ‘’Take off a laugh’’



Peregil: It is a humble, poor, kind, generous and good person, but lacks good physical features, is deir, is not very strong or handsome.

Wife of Peregil: She's very moody, always shouting, and not very good but at the end of the story is that it becomes more friendly and looking like a normal woman.

Muslim: A man who appears sick and dies quickly, so not much description.

Neighbor: Is an envious man, which should not trust, you have much hate parsley and just the physical aspect is shown.

The Mayor: It is an avaricious man, who also appears physically.

The Mayor’s Servant: It is a man who seems to be loyal to the Mayor and physically looks like a normal man.


Don Vincent: It is a handsome, captivating, sings well, is poor and falls in love with Emmeline.

Emmeline: It's a beautiful maiden, she is very shy, is in love with Don Vincent.

Father Thomas: A priest who likes to eat, not very handsome and is fat.

The Soldier: It is an old man, is very thin, looks sick and underfed, is a ghost.


King Aben Habuz: It looks like a man who wants to get what they want, not what I see myself as a good king gave more importance to the princess to his kingdom, yet it continues to run his kingdom, is a fat and low.

Ibrahim Ebn Abu Ayub: He is a man a liar, traitor, agreed, is old.

Princess for Guadix: It seems cheerful, but his nature not show much and it is beautiful.


Helped: Page 9

+) Sujeto + verbo en pasado + complemento

I helped my dogI helped my father to make the purchaseI helped my mother making him a messageI helped my grandfather to cross the streetI helped a child to find his mother

-) Sujeto + didn’t + verbo en infinitivo + complemento

I didn’t help my dogI didn’t help my father to make the purchaseI didn’t help my mother making him a messageI didn’t help my grandfather to cross the streetI didn’t help a child to find his mother

?) Did + sujeto + verbo en infinitivo + complemento + ?

Did you help my dog? Did you help my father to make the purchase? Did you help my mother making him a message? Did you help my grandfather to cross the street? Did you help a child to find his mother?

Can: Page 11

+) Sujeto + can + verbo en infinitivo + complemento

I can sing a songI can play soccerI can jumpI can get my dogI can give a walk on the beach

-) Sujeto + can’t/cannot + verbo en infinitivo + complemento

I can’t sing a songI can’t play soccerI can’t jumpI can’t get my dogI can’t give a walk on the beach

?) Can + sujeto+ verbo en infinitivo+ complemento + ?

Can you sing a song?Can you play soccer?

Can you jump?Can you get my dog?Can you give a walk on the beach?

Saw: Page 14

+) Sujeto + verbo (Past simple) + compl.

I saw a game on the TVI saw a basketball gameI saw an exhibitionI saw the booksI saw the school

-) Sujeto + didn’t + verbo infinitivo + compl.

I didn’t see a game on the TVI didn’t see a basketball gameI didn’t see an exhibitionI didn’t see the booksI didn’t see the school

?) Did + suj. + verbo inf. + compl. + ?

Did you see a game on the TV?Did you see a basketball game?Did you see an exhibition?Did you see the books?Did you see the school?

Want: Page 26

+) Suj. + verbo inf. + compl.

+) Suj. (3ºpersona singular) + verbo inf. + -s + compl.

I want a chocolate ice creamshe wants to do homeworkhe wants to play footballyou want to be mechanicalI want to be an actress

-) Suj. /suj. (3ºpersona singular) + don’t/ doesn’t + verbo inf. + compl.

I don’t want a chocolate ice creamshe doesn’t want to do homeworkhe doesn’t want to play footballyou don’t want to be mechanicalI don’t want to be an actress

?) Do / does + suj. / suj (3º persona singular) + verbo inf. + compl. + ?

Do I want a chocolate ice cream? Does She want to do homework? Does He want to play football? Do You want to be mechanical? Do I want to be an actress?

Wearing: Page 25

+) Suj. + are / is + verbo – ing. + compl.

You’re wearing a blue top I’m wearing a pink T-shirt She’s wearing a grey trainers We’re wearing a red dress They’ re wearing black jacket

-) Suj. + aren’t / isn’t + verbo –ing + compl.

You aren’t wearing a blue top I’m not wearing a pink T-shirt She isn’t wearing a grey trainers We aren’t wearing a red dress They aren’t wearing black jacket

?) Are / Is + verbo – ing + compl. + ?

Are You wearing a blue top? Am I wearing a pink T-shirt? Is She wearing a grey trainers? Are We wearing a red dress? Are They wearing black jacket?


The book is entertaining, I quite liked the first story did not quite understand at first but end up getting it, I liked it too because we've done in class is something new, this work does slope but this quite well, overall I liked it.


1. (Page 12)

1) Candle

2) Jars

3) Haircut

4) Ice

5) Well

6) Tower

2. (Page 12)

1) Charity

2) Stranger

3) Hungry

4) Clear

5) Parchment

3. (Page 13)

1) B

2) B

3) A

4) A

4. (Page 13)

1) True

2) False

3) True

4) True

5) False

6) False

1. (Page 18)

1) Steps

2) Pocket

3) Golden bracelets

4) Angry

2. (Page 18)

1) Underground


3) Descended

4) Blew out

5) Deeper

3. (Page 19)

1) A

2) D

3) B

4) C

4. (Page 19)

1) C

2) A

3) B

4) C

1. (Page 21)

a) 3

b) 6

c) 2

d) 1

e) 4

f) 5

2. (Page 21)

Traffic lights, music hulls, airplane, euros, motorcycle, mini-skirt

1. (Page 36)

1) Hurry

2) Marry

3) Shone

4) Basket

5) Evening

6) Kitchen

7) Rescue

2. (Page 2)

1) Chest with a lock

2) Pure, innocent maiden

3) Help the soldier

4) Began to eat

5) Is still in the tower

3. (Page 37)

1) Father Thomas went to have breakfast in the kitchen 2) Don Vincent explained his mission at Father Thomas’ house

3) The priest, maiden and Don Vincent were all suddenly outside the tower 4) The soldier showed Don Vincent a chest in a dark area of the room 5) Emmeline and Don Vincent moved back to Salamanca

1. (Page 39)

a) Battle (3)

b) Horseman (5)

c) Chessboard (4)

d) Chess pieces (1)

e) Cave (2)

2. (Page 39)

1) D

2) C

3) B

4) A

5) E

1. (Page 46)

1) Cave

2) Horseman

3) Chessboard

4) Battle

5) Fight

6) Bracelet

2. (Page 46)

1) True

2) False

3) True

4) True

5) False

6) False

3. (Page 47)

1) a

2) b

3) b

4) a

1. (Page 54)

1) Pointed

2) Sculpt

3) Dig

4) Rebellion

5) Expensive

6) Pacify

2. (Page 54)

1) Expensive

2) Rebellion

3) Pacify

4) Pointed

5) Dig

6) Sculpt

3. (Page 55)

1) b

2) f

3) c

4) d

5) a

6) e

