Swimming with the sharks in med school


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Swimming With the Sharks in Med School?

Taking a Dive into Saba Downtime

You are going to medical school in Saba, but…You have never lived in the Caribbean. Or on an island. What’s it going to be like?

Well, there’s a lot we can tell you—all of it good—but better than anything else, this blog post from a Saba student will give you some idea of what’s possible in that precious free time you have:

"Just came back from my first dive here on Saba, and it was a night dive. First time diving at night and it was really cool. Same fish and same place, but at night everything is different. Feels like you’re in CSI, with a flashlight in the dark, looking for clues, except clues are octopi and sharks. And sharks we did find, about 6 nurse sharks were swimming around with us for most of the dive, along with several sting rays, a bunch of crazy looking shrimps and tons of fish.”

Have more questions? We are here to help. Feel free to email me anytime at c.cebula@saba.edu .
