Survey results


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The majority of people say they listen to music more than 5 hours a week which helps because I now know that my target market make music part of there day to day life and will be involved in what goes on in the bands life.

In this question I basically got the idea that people like to wear clothes that aren't with fashion and just comfy. This helps because it means that these people go against the grain and like different styles of music.

In this question I found out that people mostly like the colours blue and red and other colours I could involve are white and yellow because they also got votes. I will most probably also use black because in my research I noticed that most magazines used black to help make other things stand out more.

In this question I asked ‘what type of rock music do you listen to?’ what I found out from this question is that most people like indie, punk and glam. This helps because my magazine will involve more bands that are part of these genres.

In this question I found out that the majority of my target audience goes to gigs about once every six months. This helps because now I know I can involve pictures and articles in my magazine about live performances.

I found out from this question that hat most people play an instrument but the most played are guitar and vocals. This helps because I now know that people that listen to music want to be part of it.

This shows that it is pretty even between both girls and boys so it should not be specific for either sex.

From this question i know that people have a lot of music from a specific genre so i will involve different bands/artists of a similar genre.

From this question I know that I will involve more pictures than text because %100 of the people that took the survey voted for more pictures than text.