Survey answers analysis


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Survey Answers Analysis

Jeppe Laursen

Magazine Title

I asked a simple question of what title they would prefer for my title. 50% said Babylon which also was my personal favorite. I'm going to go forward with this option. Babylon is a reggae term that represents corruption and police.

What features are important to you in a music magazine?

This is very important as it shows me what people would like to see on the cover, what headlines I should put on their to get peoples attention. The biggest attraction is interviews, this is good because I can link a lot of images with this. 2nd best is Album releases which together with covert/album reviews are harder to include. This mean I will have a lot of artists on the covers and include interviews with them on the double spread page.

What is the most important to you on a magazine cover

This relates directly to my cover page, from this I am able to see what will catch peoples attention and make them buy my magazine as the cover is the consumers first impression. People want to see artists on the page, many images of him/her. 2nd most important is the design and layout of the page together with the color scheme. Generic things stand out to people mostly, so article headings are not as important.

What aspects of an artist would you be interested to read about

This involves more the double spread page but also the sub headings on the cover. It shows me what people want to read about, and what the images that are with the artists should relate to. Mostly people want to know where the artists came from and his upcoming. Together with that people are interested in a general interview which is easy for me to produce.

For an artist to focus on, would you rather have it be…

This helps me choose what artists I want to use for my images, even though it is one genre that are many parts to it. The modern reggae is very different from the ‘Bob Marley’ times. As you can see people re mostly interested in the current reggae style, this gives me artists like Snoop Lion, Ky-Mani Marley and Damien Marley. Also of interest is the future of reggae, people have a high interest for this, meaning I should include something about it. I will have to research this area to be sure what the future of reggae beholds.

For a reggae magazine, what color scheme would you like

For the color scheme, there is an obvious high interest for the traditional red/yellow/green color scheme, since these are the conventional colors associated with reggae. I will base most of all my pages on these colors, from my focus group and this survey I found out people like the black and white images so I will try include this as well.

What do you prefer

To me this means that most of my magazine will consist of images, try to stay away from too much text as this bores the reader. There is a 100% interest for this idea, therefore it is very important I do this. Also when doing my focus group I discovered that readers, especially younger age group ones very quickly loose interest if there is too much text but images draws their attention very well. I will base my magazine upon this, also because it is not supposed to be very educational, more a relaxed magazine to read.
