


This is an introduction to Surrealism in art.

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Automatic DrawingAndré Masson, 1924

Exquisite Corpse, 1927

Salvador Dalí

Invention of the Monsters, 1927

Rotting Donkey, 1928

Illumined Pleasures, 1929

The Enigma of Desire, 1929

First Days of Spring, 1929

Invisible Lion, Horse, and Sleeper, 1930

Suburbs of the Paranoiac-Critical City: Afternoon on the Outskirts of Europe, 1931

The Persistence of Memory, 1931

The Invisible Man, 1932

Fried Egg on a PlateWithout the Plate, 1932

The Enigma of Hitler, 1938

The Transparent Simulacrumof the Feigned Image, 1938

Landscape: Telephones on a Plate, 1939

Book Transforming into a Woman, 1940

Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bumblebee around a Pomegranate One Second Before Awakening, 1944

Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory, 1954

René Magritte

The Treason of Images, 1929

The Human Condition, 1938

Memory, 1948

The Bowler Hat, 1964

Joan Miró

Maternity, 1924

Untitled, 1925

Dog Barking at the Moon, 1926

Landscape: The Hare 1927

Photo: This is the Color of My Dreams, 1935

Yves Tanguy

Mama, Papa’s Wounded!, 1927

Outside, 1928

Tomorrow, 1938