Surah yunus (eng)


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ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 1

Wisdom of sending a Prophet from among the men.

Difference between a Prophet and a sorcerer.

Ponder on the creation of the universe.

Substantiation for worshiping Allah alone

Allah is the Sole-Provider – show gratitude by worshipping Him

Allah is only Supreme Being – show servitude

Allah is sole Sovereign - show obedience

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Substantiation of After Life

Life in this world proves that After life is also possible

After Life is necessary for justice. Reward for good deeds and punishment for bad

Allah is All-Wise and will provide justice to all his creation

Disbelief leads to materialism, utilitarianism, and injustice

Belief in Hereafter leads to morality

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 2

Sunnah of Allah – retribution or reprieve?

Quran is the word of Allah

the honesty, integrity and high character of Prophet (saw) before his Prophet

hood was apparent to his people.

Demands to make changes to religion is present even today (Progressive Islam)

Deities other than Allah can neither harm nor benefit you

Demands for a clear sign/ miracle – Most obvious miracle is the Quran itself!

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 3

Humans are always impatient, always hastening.

Call to Allah during times of distress.

Ascribe partners with Allah during times of comfort.

Story of Ikramah bin Abi Jahl – calling to Allah during times of distress.

Even the staunchest polytheists forget their false gods and cry out to the One True God,

and even the most rabid atheists stretch out their hands in prayer to Him.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Example of this worldly life – that of the flourishing crop.

Allah invites you to the Home of Peace (Dar-us-Salam)

This world is Home of Deeds (Dar-ul-Amal)

The false deities will disassociate themselves from their worshippers.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 4

Questions addressed to common people.

Use common sense to reason truth about the true Creator.

Consider this matter objectively and stop following misguided people.

Series of questions that have been posed to refute the doctrine of shirk and to establish

the doctrine of Tauhid.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Also meant to focus attention on the importance of the guidance to the Truth, which

is one of the greatest human necessities.

Allah is the Rabb – the Sole-Provider – of basic necessities as well as Provider of

knowledge and guidance.

Challenge of the Quran – it was repeated thrice in Makkah and then finally in

Madinah. (Surah Yunus: 38, Hud: 13, Bani Isra'il: 88, Al-Baqarah: 23).

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 5

“Trouble makers” – those who reject the Quran.

Difference between “innocent sinners” and trouble-makers.

Their rejection is not based on any sound reason but on prejudice and selfishness.

They shall be losers in Hereafter.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

The hearing and deaf cannot be the same, likewise, the seeing and

blind cannot be the same.

Life of this world, in contrast to Hereafter, is but an hour or part of it.

Every nation was sent a Messenger for their guidance.

Once the message is delivered there is no excuse for ignorance.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 6

Nothing can be used as a “payoff” for sins on the Day of Resurrection.

Only sincere repentance can wipe away sins.

Allah keeps accepting repentance till a person is seized by agony of death.

The four attributes of Quran;

Warning/Counsel; wa’z - remind of that which should soften the heart, which leads to

repentance and reformation.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Cure; shifa’ – cure for every disease, spiritual or physical.

Guidance; huda – direct towards a path, (also used as gift).

Mercy; rahmah – favor, blessing, forgiveness, all that is required for

exercising beneficence.

Quran is better than all the riches of this world.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 7

Characteristics of “Friends” of Allah – Auliya Allah

Believe in Allah and have Taqwa.

Strive to abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds.

Hasten to perform all good deeds.

They are successors to Prophets and their message.

They are the inheritors of Paradise.

They have no fear or grief in this world and hereafter.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Inventing lies against Allah – types of Shirk

Shirk al Akbar – associating partners, idols, sons, daughters

Shirk al Asghar – obedience to authority other than Allah; making something lawful

and unlawful.

Shirk al Khafi - Riya – acts performed to show off, gain praise, fame etc

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 8

Lessons from the stories of Noah (AS) and Musa (AS)

Message to Prophet (SAWS) (and us as da’ees)

He was not the only prophet to have such opposition.

Strongest opposition usually comes from within our own people.

Reward is only from Allah.

Allah sets a seal on the hearts of those who disbelieve.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Warning to Quraish

Their deities can neither harm nor benefit them.

They showed arrogance, prejudice, selfishness and considered

themselves above subjection to the Message.

The consequences of their attitude/indifference – severe retribution.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 9

Dua – Ayah 85

Role of Youth

Courage, guts, audacity.

Free from prejudice and bias.

Use of rationale, logic for belief.

Fervor and passion for action.

Examples of youth who accepted Islam at Prophets (SAWS) time;

Under 20 – Ali-ibn-Abi Talib, Jafar bin Abi Talib, Zubair ibn Al-Awwam, Talhah bin

Ubaidullah, Saad bin Abi Waqqas, Musab bin Umair, Abdullah bin Mas'ud

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Under 30 – Abdur-Rahman bin Auf, Zaid bin Harithah, Bilal, Suhail

Under 35 – Abu Ubaidah-bin-al-Jarrah, Uthman bin Affan and Umar ibn Al


Musa (AS) calls his people “Muslims” – not Jews or Israelities.

Allah’s Command for people of Musa (AS);

Establish Salah

Be steadfast

Do not follow the path of those who are ignorant.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Miracle of the Quran - Preservation of Pharaoh's body Dr. Maurice Bucaille was selected to treat the mummy of

Memeptah (who was later proved to be the Exodus Pharaoh)

which he did. During his visit to Saudi Arabia he was shown the

verses of the Holy Quran in which Allah says that the dead body

of the Exodus Pharaoh will be preserved as a "SIGN" for

posterity. He was surprised to learn that unknown to the world till

only of late, the Holy Quran made definite prediction about the

preservation of the body of that same Pharaoh of Moses time.


ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ask the people of knowledge if you know not – (Surah Nahl:63)

Are the knowledgeable and the ignorant equal? In fact, none will take heed except the

people of understanding (Surah Zumur:9)

Dua – O My Lord, Increase me in knowledge (Surah Taha:114)

Ignorance leads to doubt, eventually rejection of truth.

Israelites rejected truth after receiving the message – this is the worst kind of rejection.

Ruku No 10

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Repentance will not be accepted once the punishment is ordained by Allah

Only exception are the people of Yunus (AS).

Freedom granted by Allah in this life – believe or disbelieve – this is the actual test.

Faith and guidance are blessings of Allah for those who use their common sense.

Allah makes the person “filthy” who chooses to deny the signs of Allah.

ICNA Sisters' Wing

Ruku No 11

To obtain guidance from this Quran;

Believe in Allah and His Messenger and His Books.

Dedicate yourself sincerely, exclusively, and steadfastly to this Deen.

“You should steadfastly turn your face in one direction only, without turning it even slightly

to right or left, or backward, and go on marching in the same direction”.

Do not associate others with Allah.

Do not invoke help from other than Allah.

Follow what is revealed to you.

Remain patient.
