Supernatural Phenomena under the Light of Mediumship



Does supernatural exist? How to explain the unexplainable? Great research and evidence brought forward during this presentation... Supernatural Phenomena under the Light of Mediumship

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Supernatural Phenomena under the light of Mediumship

Flavio Zanetti

Paranormal or Supernatural?

Paranormal: very strange and not able to be explained by what scientists know

about nature and the world

Supernatural: unable to be explained by science or the laws of nature: of, relating to, or seeming to come from magic, a god, etc.


Scientific advancement

Ethico-moral development

Sociological adaptations

Artistic and philosophical values

Amplification of the Psyche

Direction of Conscience

Awaken our Paranormal Faculty

Nowadays• Natural today Paranormal yesterday Paranormal Supernatural Previously• Paranormality is becoming an integral part of the

human behavior.• It has become a sixth sense (Charles Richet)

Who is Charles Richet?• August 25, 1850 – December 4, 1935• French physiologist• Won the Nobel Prize "in recognition of his

work on anaphylaxis" in 1913.• Deep interest in extrasensory perception

and hypnosis. • In 1891 Richet founded the Annales des

sciences psychiques. • President of the Society for Psychical

Research (United Kingdom). • Coined the terms "ectoplasm" and


• Very first man of science to show serious interest about the mediumship phenemenon

What is Mediumship?

Evolution in Two Worlds by Andre Luiz, psychographed by Francisco Xavier and Waldo Vieira

“Mediumship is one of the incarnate human being’s attributes, which is used

to communicate with discarnates.”

Evolution in Two Worlds by Andre Luiz, psychographed by Francisco Xavier and Waldo Vieira

First of all, mediumship has always existed…

Old Testament

Moses saw Jehovah and started hearing

voices. (Num VII, 89)

The Reader’s Digest Association Inc.

Mohammed, the founder of

Islamism, wrote the Koran

deeply inspired by angel Gabriel

Spiritist Ideas from Ancient Times

New TestamentJesus talks to Elijah and Moses on the mount

(Mark 9:1-8)

Jesus also expels the Evil spirits

(Mark 5:9)

In the Pentecost, the disciples spoke in tongues

(Acts 2:1–41)

Joan of ArcJoan of Arc being directed by her spirit-guide, in order to

play a very important role for the French Army, freeing

France from the English after more than 100 years of war.

How does Mediumship work?

Elaborates antennae to capture mental waves that move in the field of vibrations of the planet which can come from incarnates or discarnates


How to explain? Conscious or Unconscious Phenomenon?

Through registering Special Vibratory Frequencies

“Mediumship is a phenomenon that is processed through the brain of the medium.”

The Mediums’ book by Allan Kardec

Mediumship is neutral

Independent on the medium moral and intellectual virtues

Law of Attraction:“Good mediums attract good spirits.”

The Mediums’ Book by Allan Kardec, page 260





Edgar Cayce, 1877-1945The Sleeping Prophet

30,000 transcripts on his readings

Association for Research and Enlightenment

Virginia Beach, VA


What Mediumship needs:


What is Mediumship for?

“God has given mediumship to man for a serious and useful purpose.”

The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec

1. Self-illumination2. Humankind’s progress3. Develop virtues4. Help others in both planes

Let us study our mediumship, so we can learn how to control our emotions, thoughts, and words. It will also help us better communicate with the God’s messengers, who oversee and lead the improvement of our planet. Because, in fact, books are the magical command of the crowd and only a noble book, which clarifies intelligence and illuminates reason, will be able to overcome the darkness of the world…

Emmanuel (Spirit)(Seara dos Médiuns. Psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier)

Mediumship only with Jesus

“Mediums receive their gift freely from God.

Serious mediumship IS NOT, and can never be, made into a

profession…it is not an art, nor a skill and for that no one should

consider that a professional activity.”

Free Mediumship

The Gospel According to Spiritism by Allan Kardec

Supernatural or Paranormal Phenomenon? Mediumship is here to help us march

towards our Creator


Better life for the individual and humanity
