Subj And Weil [1]


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Ich mag Erdkunde.

I like Geography.

Es ist interessant.

It is interesting.

Combining the two:

Ich mag Erdkunde, weil es interessant ist.

I like Geography because it is interesting.

Ich mag Erdkunde.

I like Geography.

Es ist interessant.

It is interesting.

Combining the two:

Ich mag Erdkunde, weil es interessant ist.

I like Geography because it is interesting.

Ich mag Erdkunde.

I like Geography.

Es ist interessant.

It is interesting.

Combining the two:

Ich mag Erdkunde, weil es interessant ist.

I like Geography because it is interesting.

Ich mag Erdkunde.

I like Geography.

Es ist interessant.

It is interesting.

Combining the two:

Ich mag Erdkunde, weil es interessant ist.

I like Geography because it is interesting.

I love Maths.

Ich liebe Mathe.

It is useful.

Es ist nützlich.

I love Maths because it is useful.

Ich liebe Mathe, weil es nützlich ist.

‘weil’ = because

When the conjunction ‘weil’ is used, the verb goes to the end of the clause. You always need to put a comma before ‘weil’.


Ich mag Erdkunde, weil es interessant ist.I like Geography because it is interesting.

Ich liebe Mathe, weil es nützlich ist. I love Maths because it is useful.

Du kommst dran!! Join these sentences with ‘weil’.

1. Ich mag Deutsch. Es ist interessant.

Ich mag Deutsch, weil es interessant ist.

2. Ich liebe Kunst. Der Lehrer ist nett.

Ich liebe Kunst, weil der Lehrer nett ist.

3. Ich finde Sport doof. Es ist anstrengend.

Ich finde Sport doof, weil es anstrengend ist.

Translate the following:

1. I love Spanish because the teacher is great.

2. I don’t like Maths because it is boring.

3. I like History because the teacher is funny.

4. I don’t like Biology because I don’t understand anything.

5. I love RE because it is easy.


6. I don’t like Science because the classroom is cold.

7. I love English because the teacher laughs a lot with us.

8. I hate History because it is really boring and the work is too easy.
