Student And Faculty Questionnaire


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Healthy Campus Lynette Clower Fall 2008

Organizational Communication Analysis of Healthy Campus

Student and Faculty Questionnaire

UCO Healthy Campus utilizes the Dimensions of Wellness (physical, mental, intellectual, social, spiritual and environmental) to promote health awareness in the wellness decisions we make in order for us to live full healthy lives.

The UCO Healthy Campus mission statement is to:

“Promote a campus environment supportive of the development and maintenance of a healthy body, mind, and spirit for all members of the UCO community. “

How does this statement make you think or feel about Healthy Campus?

Healthy Campus is in the process of designing an Education Resource Center located next to the food court in the Nigh University building. It is on a corner beside the master stairs leading down to the bursar’s office, and is opposite the convenient store and the restaurant Legends.

What healthy body, mind, and spirit related campus and community resources do you feel this center should offer?

What healthy body, mind, and spirit issues do you think this center should cover?

The Healthy Campus is considering incorporating basic health care to this office. “Basic First Aid, Sick Call with a nurse on staff, Health screening and immunizations, (flu shots, blood pressure, etc.)”

If these things were offered from this location, would you use this resource? Why? Why not?

Which of these would you be more likely to use?

How do you feel about the location of this Recourse center?

Would these services encourage you to visit this center?

As a method to encourage people to have their blood pressure checked and acquire information concerning campus health, Healthy Campus is considering using a Wii Fit at this location.

What are your thoughts on a Wii Fit at this center?

Do you think the use of a Wii Fit would result in people using the center as a hang out spot?

Would it encourage you to visit this center?


Concerning appearance, what do you imagine the area to look like?

o Colors, Large open/closed entrance, Furniture, Theme, Information provided?
