Story research


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Story research


• Peter: The main protagonist, dissociative identity disorder, nervous, blank expressions, teenager (15). Short black hair, white/messy t-shirt, ripped jeans and trainers ( converse).

• Old Acquaintance: Old friend of Peters, casual clothes, long dark hair, female.

• Lighting: we were thinking of having a cold and isolated feel to our film. Blue tinged lighting will help ensure that the cold atmosphere is put across, as well as that only a few spotlights will be used to center our attention on the main character.

• We were also thinking of using natural lighting for the outdoor scenes of peter walking down the hill, this will give the scene a more realistic feel to it. By using the natural dark lighting with the lampposts light will also give the film an eerie look.


• Library: old/vintage library, lots of books and a large building. Lots of windows for natural light that could be edited. Where we see peter struggle most with DID, different versions of him in different areas of the library looking at him.

• Coffee shop: small local coffee shop, vintage looking, where we see peter talking to the person he was talking to on the phone ( himself/ other personality).
