Stone Cold Lesson 5 - Making a Fortune (Line)


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Shelter: ‘The killing by a

soldier of the enemies of his country is not


Do you agree?

Lesson 5 – Make a fortune (line)

By the end of the lesson...

ALL of you will be able to deduce, infer and interpret information, events and ideas from novel RAF 3MOST of you will be able to organise and present key quotations effectively, sequencing and structuring information, ideas and events WAF 3SOME of you will be able to understand how Swindells varies the emotion and mood of the narrative with reference to the overall effect on the reader RAF 6

Read Pages 21 to 23

Summarise Shelter’s “discourse on the subject of killing” in your own words. Write it in three paragraphs. Begin each paragraph with the following phrases:1.Shelter does not think of himself as a murderer because…….2.Disposing of bodies is the biggest problem for a murderer because….3.Shelter thinks he has solved this problem because……………

Now read the next part of Link’s narrative on pages 23 - 26

This is not a “discourse” but is a narrative. Link is telling the story of the events that happened immediately after he became homeless.

If Swindells just told us what happened, it would be quite boring, so he also tells us how Link’s emotions change as these events occur. You should be able to DEDUCE these changes as you read and then record them on a FORTUNE LINE:

Making a fortune line

Draw a chart in you book like this



Events in this section

1 2 3 4 5 6

Pick out six key moments in this section (pages 23-26)

Write them down in the order in which they happen. Copy words and phrases from the book to indicate each key moment.For example, the first 2 could be...1. Finds doorway. “I sat thinking about my rat-faced former landlord”2. Still in the doorway. “I felt – free, I suppose”

And the last one could be...6. His watch is taken. “ ‘It’s not fair,’ I choked.”

Now you can make your fortune line.

Place the moments on the graph to show how Link’s mood changes throughout the chapter. Work in pencil first until you are sure you have placed the moments correctly. It will look something like this, but you will have a brief note and a quote in each box.



1 2 3 4 5 6

Check your learning

Show your fortune line to someone sitting near you. See if you agree about the changes in Link’s emotions and which was the high and the low point for him in this passage from the novel.

When you have read the whole novel you will be making another fortune line.

Are you able to...

...deduce, infer and interpret information, events and ideas from novel? RAF 3...organise and present key quotations effectively, sequencing and structuring information, ideas and events? WAF 3...understand how Swindells varies the emotion and mood of the narrative with reference to the overall effect on the reader? RAF 6

One Saturday afternoon, you get taken shopping on Oxford Street for a special treat. Near the tube station you see somebody you recognise from school begging. They are obviously not doing this for fun- you can see that they are very poor and probably sleep rough on the streets (or a hostel if they’re lucky).

How do you feel? How do you react?