STaR Chart Presentation (Word 97-2003)


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Marcus Lamar WalkerWorld Geography & Economics Teacher


General Discussion & Information Ask Yourself Questionnaire on STaR Chart Texas Long Range Plan How to read the STaR Chart STaR Chart: A. J. Moore Academy 2006-2007 STaR Chart: A. J. Moore Academy 2007-2008 STaR Chart: A. J. Moore Academy 2008-2009

Conclusion Questions & Answers

What is the STaR Chart?

The STaR Chart is a tool that is used by school district across Texas for planning and assessing technology uses in schools.

The chart is then used by the school districts and the State of Texas to assess the use technology across the board by seeing the weakest links in technology.

Ask Yourself!!!

What is A. J. Moore’s current profile in regards to technology use?

Are we meeting the State of Texas’ Long Range Plan for Technology?

What should we focus on as a school to achieve goals set by the Texas Long Range Plan for technology?

What is the Long Range Plan for Technology?

There are four key areas that we should focus on regarding the long range plan: Teaching and Learning Educator Preparation & Development Administration & Support Infrastructure for Technology

What are the STaR Chart Levels of Progress?

There are four levels of progress that the State measures when considering technology application for schools: Level 1: Early Technology Level 2: Developing Technology Level 3: Advanced Technology Level 4: Target Technology

A. J. Moore Academy 2006-2007 STaR Chart Results

KEY AREAS Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Total

Teaching and Learning

Patterns of Classroom Use

Frequency & Design of Instruction Setting

Content Area Connections

Technology Application TEKS Implement

Student Mastery of Tech Applications

Online Learning


3 3 3 3 3 3

Educator Preparation

Professional Development Experiences

Models of Professional Development

Capabilities of Educators

Access to Professional Development

Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use

Professional Development for Online Learning


1 2 4 1 3 2

Leadership Leadership and Vision

Planning Instructional Support

Communicate & Collaboration

Budget Leadership and Support for Online Learning 22

Adv.4 4 3 4 4 3

Infrastructure Students per computer

Internet Access and Connectivity Speeds

Other Classroom Technology

Technical Support

Local Area Network Wide Area Network

Distance Learning Capacity 22

Target4 4 2 4 4 4

A. J. Moore Academy 2007-2008 STaR Chart Results

KEY AREAS Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Total

Teaching and Learning

Patterns of Classroom Use

Frequency & Design of Instruction Setting

Content Area Connections

Technology Application TEKS Implement

Student Mastery of Tech Applications

Online Learning


4 4 4 4 4 4

Educator Preparation

Professional Development Experiences

Models of Professional Development

Capabilities of Educators

Access to Professional Development

Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use

Professional Development for Online Learning


4 4 4 4 4 4

Leadership Leadership and Vision

Planning Instructional Support

Communicate & Collaboration

Budget Leadership and Support for Online Learning 24

Target4 4 4 4 4 4

Infrastructure Students per computer

Internet Access and Connectivity Speeds

Other Classroom Technology

Technical Support

Local Area Network Wide Area Network

Distance Learning Capacity 24

Target4 4 4 4 4 4

A. J. Moore Academy 2008-2009 STaR Chart Results

KEY AREAS Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Total

Teaching and Learning

Patterns of Classroom Use

Frequency & Design of Instruction Setting

Content Area Connections

Technology Application TEKS Implement

Student Mastery of Tech Applications

Online Learning


3 4 3 4 4 3

Educator Preparation

Professional Development Experiences

Models of Professional Development

Capabilities of Educators

Access to Professional Development

Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use

Professional Development for Online Learning


3 3 4 3 3 3

Leadership Leadership and Vision

Planning Instructional Support

Communicate & Collaboration

Budget Leadership and Support for Online Learning 24

Target4 4 4 4 4 4

Infrastructure Students per computer

Internet Access and Connectivity Speeds

Other Classroom Technology

Technical Support

Local Area Network Wide Area Network

Distance Learning Capacity 20

Adv.4 4 3 3 3 3

AJM 3-Year Summary

Where do we go now?

Focus on Teaching and Learning Align goals, curriculum, and technology use

Focus on Educator Preparation Ensure ALL teachers and administrators meet state

mandated technology use practices Focus on Admin & Support Services

Increase technical support and provide appropriate budgets Focus on Infrastructure

Get more computers per classroom & move toward more online learning opportunities


Take your part in the STaR chart extremely seriously.

Access your own goals for incorporating technology use into your curriculum.

Take a moment and discuss some ideas on how to make A. J. Moore Academy an ambassador of success in the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology.

Contact Info & Resources

Online: STaR Chart Texas Long Range Plan for Technology

Marcus Lamar Walker: