SSP Green Level Phonics Reader - sassoon infant



Hoping that this uploads with sassoon infant font! Still trying to work out how to format, to print as a booklet. Em

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Skills and concepts to reinforce

Our spoken words are made up of smaller parts; we call them speech sounds. Our speech sounds can be represented on paper using speech sound pics. (the pictures we take of our speech sounds with our speech sound camera) If we look at a word, in print, we can say the speech sounds that link with the speech sound pics in order from left to right, and blend these speech sounds into a word. (decoding) s a t = sat If we listen carefully to a spoken word and identify the speech sounds, in order, we can make choices on paper, to represent the word in print (encoding) Within SSP children become used to first writing lines, as they say the speech sounds, to reinforce segmenting and blending skills. This is really helpful as the code becomes more complex, and there are numerous speech sound pic choices. ____ _____ _____ _____ 1 2 3 4

t r n ay

No letter names please, just the speech sounds. When creating resources please use same illustrations to build confidence. /
