Spanish Cut - Accounting Department Tasks



Spanish Cut - Accounting Department Tasks, by Silvana Estrella, Marta Fernández, Raúl Fernández and Jennifer del Olmo, students at IES Luis Vives in Leganés, Spain

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The function of an accounting department is to look after the finances of a company. This can be anything from paying bills to making sure that the employees that work for the company get paid.


Making payments

Making sure that all bills are paid by the company, on time and also at the least cost possible.

We are responsible for all outgoing payments and making sure that what we are paying is correct.


Our department have to ensure that the employees are all paid correctly and on time.

Receiving payments

Our department must also receive payments and make sure that these are all processed correctly.


We are also responsible for giving budgets and estimates of what they feel the company should be spending.

We must also predict budget figures for years to come.

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