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ABu DHABI ISSue 82012/2013




FOCuS ON Art 4


eNterPrISe week 8

YeAr 6 & YeAr 9 HIStOrY PrOjeCt 10


reCYCLING eFFOrtS rewArDeD 12

CAMerON MAkeS BOOk DeBut 14

YeAr 10 & YeAr 12 wOrk exPerIeNCe 15

YeAr 11 PrOM 16

StuDeNt SuCCeSS 18

FOY rOuNDuP FOr tHe YeAr 19

Welcome to this issue of the Secondary PArtnership for the 2012/2013 academic year. The Secondary PArtnership is the publication for Al Yasmina's secondary school and is published eight times a year. Look for previous issues on the school website.

The Secondary PArtnership keeps you up-to-date with student activities across the secondary department. It also gives Al Yasmina School the chance to celebrate progress and achievement and provide more in depth information to parents on a wide variety of subjects.

We welcome your feedback. communications@alyasmina.sch.ae

The latest PARTnership for this academic yearTopics, trends, updates, views and news from the Al Yasmina Secondary Department


Pictured on the cover: Students create funky camels as part of Enterprise Week2

issue 82012/2013




Welcome to the final edition of the Secondary PARTnership for this academic year.

I do hope you have enjoyed reading through stories highlighting activities and achievements in the secondary school. Much time and effort goes into preparing each edition. I am very grateful to the staff involved in making each publication an interesting and informative read. Special thanks go to Ms Fitzgerald and Mrs Vorster.

It is when you look back through previous editions that you see how much is achieved in a relatively short period of time. Each publication offers a diverse insight into the life of the secondary school.

We started edition 1 of 2012/2013 with the focus for the year - PRIDE. This edition is no exception. It exemplifies my great pride in all that is achieved inside and outside the classroom. I enjoy talking with students about their experiences and hearing them talk with great affection for, and pride in, their learning, their teachers, and their school.

These publications have clearly marked our journey towards outstanding.

Now, we pause for the long summer break and we say farewell to members of our community, both staff and students. I do hope that they will continue to follow Al Yasmina’s journey and look back on their time with us with fond memories.

Enjoy the read. Travel safely.

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself” - Henry Ford

ART DEPARTMENT WORKS ITS MAGICThe tentacles of the Art Department are steadily creeping across the school. Not only are visitors greeted by sophisticated student artwork in the atrium, but once-blank walls and stairwells are now adorned with their themed murals.

The secondary school is brimming with artistic and creative talent and Mrs Walsh, Curriculum Team Leader, Art and Design, is keen to show off the results. The murals which have appeared in stairwells this year involved students from Year 8 upwards but were directly linked to the Art Movement themes studied by Year 13 BTEC Art Students.

The older students created a display “tree” and an explanation of their chosen movement s - Cubism, Surrealism, Op Art, and Art Nouveau - while the younger students created a mural nearby which demonstrated the themes of that art style. The students loved working on a large-scale and felt they were contributing to the look of the school “in a very visual way”, Mrs Walsh says.

She is excited by the depth of talent coming through the secondary school from younger year groups, describing the variety of work produced in KS3 this year as “outstanding”.

Among the highlights, Year 7 created imaginative and vibrantly decorated clay birds, Year 8 produced linoprints in the bold style of Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, and Year 9 created a diverse range of fabulous models as part of their Figure and Movement project, using artists Nikki de Saint Phalle, Alberto Giacometti, and Henry Moore for inspiration.

But such creativity isn’t just undertaken in the classroom. This year, the after-school ECAs which offered students the opportunity to work artistically were oversubscribed. These included the Mural Club and Set Design for the musical “Chicago”.

For those who want to continue with Art beyond GCSE, Al Yasmina offers the BTEC (Business, Technology and Education Council) course, comprising Certificate, Subsidiary, and Diploma qualifications. “We are the only school in Abu Dhabi to offer this course. It was chosen as it caters to the widest range of students.”

“It is a crossover between art and design and is less prescriptive than a Fine Arts course. It gives students exposure to a variety of skills incorporated within art but not limited to painting, drawing and sculpture.”

BTEC is a vocational course, meaning that it equips students with specific skill-sets which will allow them to look beyond school to see what career path they could take, using their particular strengths.

“We are looking at the world of art in terms of work. This course offers them the opportunity to choose their path earlier than they would normally get it.”

Mrs Walsh says one of the department’s major strengths is the variety of work produced. “We utilise technology as well, which is quite unusual for an art department. We use computers and the Design and Technology workshops to design something new and different in school.”

And the art is not confined within the school boundaries. In March, Year 13 BTEC students collaborated with IKEA Yas Island on a flagship project which saw the classic “Stefan” chairs given a range of quirky new looks to fulfill the requirements of their diploma unit “Exploring Resistant Materials and Contextual Influences in Art and Design”.

And in the final week of term, the Art Department launched its Camel project as part of Enterprise Week. Ten fibreglass moulded camels were bought and decorated by a group of Year 8 and Year 10 students, following various themes. They were displayed as part of an exhibition to raise funds for Year 10 student Cameron Oliver’s Camel Campaign and will be displayed both inside and outside the school.

“To have a herd of brightly decorated camels outside the school will be fantastic visually and a real coup for the Art Department.”

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resistant Materials (rM)DT Curriculum Team Leader, Mr Wood, has spent his first year in the post focusing on modernising the products made in Resistant Materials (RM). Until now, wood has been the predominant material students have worked with, mainly because it was what they, and the teachers, were most familiar with. But that is changing, as Mr Wood encourages students to think about working with plastics, metals, simple electronics and composite materials such as carbon fibre.

He also aims to increase use of CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacture) across the secondary school. Year 7 has already used CAD in their 10-week Critter project, and Year 8 in the design of their iPod/MP3 amplifier. Next year, a new unit is being introduced in Year 9 which will rely entirely on CAD.

The acquisition of the industry-standard SolidWorks 3D software has been a big step forward for the department. The easy-to-use software produces drawings that are like photos of objects. “It allows the students to design, modify and create a virtual model before making the product.” While restricted to Year 12 and 13 this year, the software will soon be used by all students from Year 8 upwards.

The RM room is well resourced, with equipment which includes a brazing hearth, a centre lathe, a milling machine (for metal), a laser cutter, a CNC router (which automatically cuts a shape from a computer-generated image), a woodworking lathe, welding facilities and a full range of saws. Mr Wood is hopeful a 3D printer will be acquired next.

The subject is becoming more popular all the time. This year there were six Year 11 GCSE students, next year there will be 25, with a similar number expected the following year. Mr Wood describes the subject as creative and forward-looking, but also immensely practical. “I want students to leave here with as broad a range of skills as possible and to be competent designers. We are ultimately working to build a skill set which students can confidently take to university.”


Design and Technology (DT) is a diverse, creative and “hands-on” subject encompassing Resistant Materials, Food Technology and Textiles. Key Stage 3 students study one of these components each term, while Key Stage 4 students have the opportunity to specialise.

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They put together a portfolio with themes common to all aspects of DT – task analysis, research on existing products, questionnaire and analysis of responses, then the design and testing of a small number of products against their original criteria, and finally they produce a range of products for assessment.

Miss Merrick says the first cohort of Year 11s sat their exam last month. “The progress they have made over the past two years is incredible, and we now have some very competent cooks. They know how to adapt recipes to suit the needs of consumers and have developed a good knowledge of food manufacture using both home skills and industrial practices.”

textilesThe Textiles rooms on the ground floor are a colourful and creative space full of inspiration for budding designers – and more are taking up the opportunity.

GCSE Textiles is being offered at Al Yasmina for the first time this year, with Year 10 students now half-way through their course. Textiles teacher Miss Greenwood, also in her first year at Al Yasmina, has focused her time on getting this course established and revamping the projects undertaken in KS3 in order to integrate more skills.

In Year 7, the students have been making soft toys this year. In order to complete these, they learn how to use the sewing machine and other skills including fabric painting, appliqué, and hand embroidery. Year 8 students have been making flags, using their country of origin as inspiration.

They have first created theme-boards considering social and cultural themes, including images or designs that represent their country. In Year 9, the students get to choose their project – perhaps a cushion or a bag or a phone/iPad cover. At this stage they are starting to hone the skills that will be required if they continue with GCSE Textiles.

Five girls chose to take GCSE Textiles this year, comprised of 60 percent coursework and 40 percent final exam. Miss Greenwood says the first part of the year was taken up with building the skills required at this level, as it was a new course for the school. She says the progress has been dramatic and the results of the coursework to date are “amazing”.

There are certain themes the students get to choose from for their course and four out of five of them have selected “Sustainability”, while the fifth student chose “Child’s Play”. They all have to study the theory of textiles and also work on a practical project. Miss Greenwood says there are plenty of “very, very talented” students coming through KS3 so she is optimistic about the future of GCSE Textiles at Al Yasmina.

The students also learn a lot more about food manufacture and consumer choice.

Food technologyBeing able to cook is a life skill which students need to acquire, say Food Technology teachers Miss Greenwood and Miss Merrick. In the three years Miss Merrick has taught Food Technology at Al Yasmina, she has seen the subject develop from strength to strength. “The enthusiasm the students show for cooking is heartwarming, especially for those that it doesn’t come naturally to, or those that don’t have the chance to cook at home.”

Apart from the obvious objective of learning basic cooking skills, Food Technology at KS3 also aims to build up skills and knowledge of healthy eating, hygiene, food safety, and the origins of foods. It allows students to develop their basic skills until they become confident to start adapting recipes and show their own creativity and flair.

Miss Greenwood has been mostly involved with Year 7, 8 and 9 this year but will take on Years 10 and 11 next year. At GCSE level, the tasks become more complex and detail counts. “We work on skills, presentation, timing, and using a range of equipment.”


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CREATIVITY AND RIVALRY IN ENTERPRISE WEEK The school was a hive of activity in the last week of term as teams of budding entrepreneurs entered the gritty world of business as part of Enterprise Week.

“The main aim of the event is to encourage our students to develop their creativity, team-work, and communication, among many other skills,” says Business Studies Curriculum Team Leader, Mr Dube.

Students were divided into teams, given an open brief and encouraged to “think outside the box”. Before the event even kicked off, a healthy rivalry was brewing. Teams brainstormed ideas and went to extreme lengths to ensure their ideas remained secret. “Some of the covert tactics employed would put Apple’s methods to shame!” says Mr Dube. They had to pitch their ideas at the Dragon’s Den in order to gain project funding. Then, money in hand, the creativity and competition really began!

The programme will culminate in a marketplace where students will showcase their products to parents and other invited guests.

Teams will be judged on how well they worked as a team, their business idea, finances, and pitch for start-up finance to the team of ruthless Dragons.

Special consideration will be given to the effectiveness of their social media campaign. Each team has an opportunity to win a prize in various categories set out by a panel of esteemed judges, and to be announced on the last day of term.

Mr Dube says Al Yasmina recognises that not all learning takes place in the classroom. “Some of the best companies were – are - started by young people.” He says the internet, coupled with a breakthrough in the way people communicate and interact, lends itself to a host of new opportunities for young people and budding entrepreneurs.

“Al Yasmina School believes that we have a duty to nurture, develop and inspire our young people to aim higher and open their eyes to the world of opportunities beyond traditional career roles.”



Changing times for Year 6 pupils have meant collaboration with their soon-to-be secondary peers.

As the students from Ospreys prepare to make the move into secondary school, they have spent time with Year 9 Jazeira looking at some of the changes that have taken place in society over the past 50 years.

“Year 9 completed the project a couple of months ago,” says History teacher Mrs Wood. “It’s a massive topic to get to grips with, so they have been able to help the Ospreys students focus on key areas and also advise on good websites and areas of research.”

Year 6 were full of ideas and had quite a clear vision of where they wanted their project - on either sport, fashion, transport, film or music - to go. Under the guidance of their class teacher, Mr Howell, they had picked out some of the significant events and big changes they wanted to look at. “We were assigned to give them ideas, support, help them, and overall act as group mentors,” says Grace Chuan, of Jazeira.

“Ospreys were very enthusiastic and had great ideas of their own which they eagerly shared with the rest of the team. The two lessons that we were given were used very efficiently; they were focused, found relevant information and worked very well together,” adds fellow Jazeira student Carol Al Mokatash.

Working with Year 9 also allowed the Ospreys students to gain some expert knowledge on new ways to present their research, a skill they will continue to develop in secondary school.

“The Year 9s were very helpful, suggesting many creative ideas about how to present our research, including Prezi, which we haven’t used before!” says Alex Rashed. “We have all enjoyed this experience as it has helped us understand how to work as a team, and it has given us lots of ideas about presenting our work.”

Year 6 went on to present their work to their peers to help launch the project to the year group as a whole for Enrichment Week.

“It has been a pleasure to watch Year 6 and Year 9 children working collaboratively for the past few weeks, says Ospreys teacher Mr Howell.

“The children have gained a lot in terms of how to present their research, and how to work as a team to achieve a goal. Working in the secondary school has also been beneficial, as part of the transition process, in building the children’s confidence as they prepare to start in the secondary school in September.”


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Dt jaimie McMillan Sally Zeidan Isobel Barwick resistant Materials Asma kabanni Food technology Mollie Byles textiles Maria Arredondo Alzate

economics ruby Hughes english kayan khraisheh Shanna Chung Sim Ler Nikita Amir ruby Hughes French Lotte De rooy Shanna Chung Sim Ler ramya Iyer Derek Lee Geography Mehek Mathur Sally Zeidan Hafsa Yousaf Chloe Lawson History katya Ayass Sally Zeidan Daniella Pretorius ruby Hughes ICt katya Ayass roxanne Gardiner ryhana rasidi ryan wynn Maths Aran Quintana Shanna Chung Sim Ler Nikita Amir thomas wouters Music tegan Friedenthal Hannah Green ramya Iyer Chloe Lawson Pe Declan Ball jef Vanden Auweele Yazdhaan Abbas Milan Den Haese Science jaime Queen Shanna Chung Sim Ler Yazdhaan Abbas rowan Smith Spanish erin Cassels Alina kamel

jamie Queen Lotte De rooy khamis Al Hinai rachel Foulsham

Adnan Al Armouti tina kamel Ali Abu Saleh ruby Hughes

Islamic Native Mubarak Al Nahdi reem Abusin Adnan Al Armouti Ali Abu Saleh Islamic Non-Native tahira kalsoom Anushae Akhtar ryhana rasidi Nur Mohamad rasidin Arabic Native Mera Al Fawares Laila Moharram Shamma Biny Sied Mohamed Al Mehairi Arabic Non-native tania Al khatib Alexa Groh Syed Owais khaled Al khawaldeh Arabic Social Studies Abdullah Al Armouti Maryam Nafie kirollos Ziada Art Mera Al Farawes karen Alexan Girgis Claire McManamon- Soo Lim Purtell Business Studies katharina toma

Drama katya Ayass Aurore Queromain Shan Coley ruby Hughes





Year 7 Year 8

Year 9 Year 10

Year 9Year 7 Year 8 Year 10


issue 82012/2013


As a result of the hard work and determination of the school council, house captains, and leaders in both secondary and primary, along with the willingness of students and staff, it is now safe to say we recycle at Al Yasmina!

Since March, paper and plastic used in school has been collected under the supervision of house captains to ensure the resources do not go to waste. Four cages were filled in May and the target was surpassed in June, with staff having their annual clear-outs of books and paper. All secondary students were rewarded last week with a non-uniform day to celebrate their success.

“So many students were involved in this project, from those who remembered to put their plastic bottles in the blue bins, through to those who gave up their time to collect paper from across the whole school,” says Student Council Team Leader Mrs Hewitt.

“Special mention should be made of Rachel Foulsham (Year 8) who designed the rotas, and Yash Bhatia (Year 11), who lead Endeavour to be the most successful house in terms of the amount collected, as well as Dr Patricia who has been a source of endless support.

“Next year school council members will continue to organise the recycling project and hopefully recycling will have become a habit for our students. We will see the rewards of all their hard work in a reduction of the waste going to landfill sites.” School Council members were last week treated to a lunch provided by the school to recognise and reward their achievements this year.


Al Yasmina’s enthusiastic participation in the Health Authority Abu Dhabi’s Schools for Health “Eat Right Get Active” campaign was recognised last month, with School Nurse Wendy Griffin collecting an award from HAAD on behalf of the school.


Throughout the year, students have participated in healthy activities in school, she says. These have included regular PE classes, sports squads and physical activities at ECAs, and activities outside of school (horse-riding, sailing and golf).

In addition to this, there have been classroom talks by staff about keeping healthy, eating the right foods and keeping active; and activities which have included preparing healthy foods in class and covering class-room topics involving physical exercise.

“At the awards ceremony it was encouraging to see so many other schools in Abu Dhabi which are also committed to providing a healthy environment for children,” Mrs Griffin says.

“Given the high obesity figures among children in Abu Dhabi it is essential that we teach students the importance of healthy eating and keeping active.”

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It was a tough call for the Year 9 judges Kirra Corrigan and Bidi Misra but in the end Miss Stephenson’s group had the highest scores.

Both teams were successfully coached by Year 9 students Samali Weerasekera, Shahzain Khan, Ramya Iyer and Nikki Amir who were all very supportive and offered excellent advice and constructive feedback.

The Year 7s say the debate was a great challenge, with Jamie Queen describing it as a “fun way of learning”. Judge Bidi says it was “a positive experience that I would do again”. Well done to Miss Stephenson’s class.

CELEBRITY CRIME DEBATE “GREAT CHALLENGE”The competition was tough between Miss Stephenson’s and Miss Magee’s AGT learners as they debated harsher punishments for celebrities who commit crimes.

Miss Magee’s team consisted of Jamie Queen, Natasha Callow, Mehek Mathur, Will Smith and Lotte De Rooy, while Katya Ayass, Erin Cassels, Matthew Pretorius, Aran Quintana and Miles Wright represented Miss Stephenson’s class.

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When Year 10 student Cameron Oliver launched his now-famous Camel Campaign in 2008, he could not have imagined that his efforts would be recognised in a book.

And not just any book - “67 Inspiring Stories” will be a gift for his all-time hero Nelson Mandela.

Cameron says it is a great honour to be featured as one of the “67 Inspiring Stories” to support Nelson Mandela’s “67 Community Challenge” now being promoted by the UAE’s Nahtam Social Responsibility.

NSR is a private volunteer organisation which promotes social programmes involving education, environment, culture and heritage, health and civic issues. The word "nahtam" is derived from an Arabic word that means "We Care".

When Nelson Mandela turned 93 in 2011, he wished for people to donate 67 minutes of their time to help their communities — 67 being the number of years Mandela had dedicated to humanitarian work. Nahtam decided then to publish “67 Inspiring Stories” which was launched last month, in time for Mandela’s 95th birthday on July 18, also recognised by the UN as Mandela Day.

Cameron’s story about how he started, and continues to run, his campaign to stop littering in desert was selected from many worthy stories submitted from the UAE. He says being chosen to appear in the book is one of the biggest highlights of his life. “When the email came to say that I had been selected it was unbelievable, because Mandela is my inspiration.”

The book cannot be bought. It has been specifically produced as a gift for Mandela and only those who appear in it, and a select group of recipients, will receive a copy.

Cameron continues to work on his campaign, alongside his studies and training to fulfill his ambition to become an Olympic swimmer. He says another big desert clean-up is planned when the weather cools after summer.


With exams over, students in Years 10 and 12 undertook work experience in the final weeks of the term.

Overview with Careers Co-ordinator, Miss Ariff

This year, Year 10 and Year 12 work experience programmes were a great success, with some of our students gaining long-term positions at the companies they worked for. The programme offers students opportunities to gain a valuable understanding of the world of work through observation and participation in workplace activities.

The nature of the students’ experience has varied vastly this year, from football coaching to interior designing to television broadcasting. Most students sought placements independently, but as Careers provision grows here at Al Yasmina, we were able to procure several placements with outside businesses whichwere more than willing to offer our students an internship this year. Before students went on their work experience they took part in a debriefing session where they learned about the Do’s and Don’ts of the workplace.

While on their placement, the students kept a detailed diary of their experience for their own personal record. Those students who have submitted their booklet will receive a certificate for their work experience achievements in September.

Work Experience week was such a wonderful time for me, working with an Interior Designer, Bridget Tyer.

I learnt how much hard work it can be in the working environment. Each day I experienced something different, like measuring up rooms for furniture or curtains, or having a day in the studio emailing companies to buy ornaments and organise shipments from places all over the world! I didn’t really believe the teachers when they said the workplace would change you. They were right. Everyone does carry on as normal which is a good thing because it makes you use your initiative and ask for work to do so you can learn more and get more information out of your week. I loved the week and hoped it would have lasted longer. I really appreciate everything Bridget helped me with. She made it such an amazing week. - Bethany troup, Year 10 Muzeera

what the students thought…

For my work experience placement, I went to the production company TwoFour54.

During my week there I learnt all about what it takes to produce a television programme/film, including the planning, filming, editing and broadcast. I worked with the post-production team where I learnt how much time and effort goes into picture and audio editing, before the programme is broadcast. It was really interesting to learn more about what actually goes on before we get to watch the programme and my time there made me appreciate the amount of effort that goes into the process. One day, we spent three hours editing just a four minute clip for a programme! Overall, I had an amazing week at work experience. I learnt so much there and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to go “behind the scenes” and experience with world of work, hands on. - ruby Hughes, Year 10 Yasmina

what the employers thought…

Silke Griffin, Year 10 Khannour worked at Emirates Park Zoo“Silke is working at the zoo and is doing well. She has already attended/assisted the doctor with animal operations.She has been involved with the study of bees and studying their decline.Tomorrow she is going to be working with elephants.”

Raseel Abu Hassan, Year 10, Khannour worked at Consolidated Contractors Company “Raseel is doing really well at CCC.She is learning to read and interpret engineering drawings for the construction industry.The focus is mainly on the design side, not the mathematics behind it.Next she is learning how to use their specific drawing and construction design software.”

Mohammed Al Mehairi and Martin Lischka, Year 10 Sidra, worked at Al Forsan Sports ResortMohammed and Martin are loving it at Al Forsan. Starting at 3pm, they are teaching wakeboarding. They were on a lifeguarding course yesterday and have been dealing with customers and sorting equipment.

WORK EXPERIENCE Khaled Al Khawaldeh, Year 10 Qattouf, worked at Abu Dhabi Farmers’ Services CentreKhaled was a joy to work with. He was well-mannered and a close listener. Moreover, his curiosity was wide open about media and language and how stories develop from actions on our part (ADFSC) to interviews and finally column inches in the newspaper. He also seemed to be interested in the environmental aspects of what ADFSC is trying to do and some of the moral and ethical questions that come to the fore when addressing issues such as fresh water and the conservation of resources.

Waie (Nur)Mohamad Rasidin, Year 10 Sidra, worked at EtihadWaie is currently in Kuala Lumpur with her Dad, flying with Etihad. So she has been fully exposed to his line of work! I asked if I could come along for work experience with him too, but I am assured that she has also been doing reports and will bring in some sample work! – Miss Jones, Y10 Sidra learning mentor.

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Year 11 celebrated the end of GCSes and, for a few, the end of their time at Al Yasmina, with their Prom at Yas Links last month.

Students transformed themselves with formal dress and celebrated in style. Some even arrived in a stretch Hummer! Year 11 Leader Mr McGuinness says the night was a great success. “It was fantastic to see so many students turn up to celebrate the end of Year 11.”

Students gave out awards to each other which they had organised and also received a number of awards from staff, based on their time at Al Yasmina. “I was extremely pleased with the way students conducted themselves. they showed why Al Yasmina School has an excellent reputation. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Year 11 students the best of luck for next year and beyond.”



The winner from last month was Carla Pérez, who correctly answered 4.

This month, here is a link to a strategic game to keep brains working over the summer break:



STUDENTS OF THE MONTH FOR JUNECongratulations to the following students:

Rashed Al Jneibi (Islamic Studies - native)Mogamad Achmat (Islamic Studies - non-native)Rehab Al Nuaimi (Arabic - native)Aisling Walsh (Arabic non-native)Maitha Al Qubaisi (UAE and Social Studies)Milan Den Haese (Art)Eliel Ponen (Business Studies)Roxanne Gardiner (Drama)Adam Pollock (Design & Technology)Harry Byles (Economics)Zara Woodrow (English)Nicholas Clarke (French)Claire McManamon Purtell (Geography)Eve Willis (History)Layna Tlemsani (ICT)Sana Aftab (Mathematics)Tina Kamel (Music)Milan Den Haese (PE)Jessica Vickery (Psychology)Makyla Fahmy (Science)Sophie Ensor & Jake Rossiter (Spanish)

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EXCEPTIONAL RESULTS FOR BTEC STUDENTSThe results are in and the Art Department is proud to announce that its Year 13 BTEC Diploma Art and Design students have achieved top results.

Haas Al Mashani: Distinction* Distinction*Jessica Vickery: Distinction* Distinction*Nick Bryant: Distinction* DistinctionLiam Troup: Distinction* Distinction

Mrs Walsh, Curriculum Team Leader, Art and Design, explains that the double Distinction is the equivalent of two As at A Level.

For the second year running, Year 12 Muslim & Arab students have achieved a 100 percent pass rate in the Ministry of Education exams.

Fourteen students took the exams recently – seven Native speakers and seven Non-Native speakers. Overall results improved this year by 20 percent in Islamic Studies and 15 percent in Arabic.


Ahmed Aman gained the highest mark in both Islamic Studies (Natives) and Arabic (Natives). Karim Ashraf gained the highest mark in Islamic Studies (Non-Natives), and Leila Mukhtar the highest mark in Arabic (Non-Natives).

“However, our students have gone one, or in some cases, two better. The Distinction* is the equivalent to A* at A Level. To achieve a double Distinction* is very rare indeed.”

“All of our students have worked incredibly hard and their total dedication to the course over the past two years has yielded these outstanding results.

As the first students to complete this course they have set the bar very high indeed.”

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FOY experienced another busy month, and as we wind down in preparation for the summer break, we have had the chance to reflect on our fundraising efforts and accomplishments of the past year.

FOY donated 16,255AED to charity – 10,000AED to Operation Smile and 6,255AED to World Challenge Uganda. FOY’s other donations/purchases included: Primary Garden Design Project 10,000AED The Wiz production 5,000AEDInternational Day stalls 5,000AEDBeanbags for primary school 6,000AEDUpdated canvas photos for the school walls 2,000AED

Walid’s crew—maintenance, security and cleaning staff—for their continued excellence and support of FOY and the school 1,250AED.

We also purchased cakes/doughnuts as a thank you to teachers and a farewell gift for a departing key staff member. Lastly, we bought several items to help FOY better serve the school - BBQ grill, warming trays, and bins for uniform sales.

FOY was able to do all of this because of our fundraising over the past year. FOY members and other volunteers participated in huge events such as the Festive Fayre, National and International Days, and the Table Top Sale.

We assisted and sold refreshments at nearly all major sporting events—House Sports Days, Sports Awards Night, swim galas, and the Aldar Olympics. We also supported the WOW Factor, Year 5 Movie Night, Year 3 Australian Sleepover, Year 2 Click Exhibition, the Festive Concert, the D&T Art Auction, and more.

Our major sources of income were the Festive Fayre, second-hand uniform sales, the FOYVEG program, and the Table Top Sale. Mr Gale was also very generous to FOY and we appreciate his constant support and encouragement. We had several key events this term. The first was the wonderful production of The Wiz on the nights of May 29 and 30.

FOY donated 5,000AED to the primary drama club and provided refreshments on both nights of the performance.The annual FOY Table Top Sale was held in the atrium on June 1 and was hugely successful.

Stallholders gave lots of positive feedback and even requested that more sales be held during the year. There were 65 stalls and a huge variety of goods at bargain prices. FOY will hold another Table Top Sale in May 2014.

We may even host a bazaar in the autumn term.The FOYVEG programme maintained its popularity with Al Yasmina families and staff. This healthy eating programme will kick off again in October.

The Design and Technology Art Exhibition took place on June 16 with an auction of beautiful artworks created and donated by secondary students. The auction raised 1,925AED, which the students generously donated to FOY. With the addition of another 8,075AED from FOY, a total donation of 10,000AED was made to Operation Smile UAE.

We are looking forward to the following activities in the new term:• A Second Hand Uniform sale will be held before the start of school on August 28, from 1 – 3pm in the atrium. • Al Yasmina turns five in September , so keep an eye out for lots of exciting activities planned to celebrate this milestone.• The Al Yasmina Ball is scheduled for November 15.

We would like to take this opportunity to say “thanks” to all who assisted us in any way this year. FOY could not exist without our volunteers who selflessly give up their time and talents to make Al Yasmina School even better.

Please consider being a part of the FOY team. All parents and friends are encouraged to participate. Even if you can only spare a small amount of time, this will be appreciated by the students in the school and by the charities we support. All positions on the committee will be open for nomination at the AGM on Monday, September 16 at 6.30pm.

It is time for our chairperson to step down after two years of wonderful work. Please contact Mr Gale (PAHOS@alyasmina.sch.ae) if interested in the position. Join us at the AGM or come along to the monthly meetings and be part of the fun!

Written by FOY treasurer Lisa Wall