South africa ppt


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South Africa

A brief introduction

Map of South Africa

Flag of South Africa

Penguins,famous on the coast

South Africans on the beach

A goldmine in SA

Steam train only a few are left

Eliphants are big

Coat of arms for SA

Robben Iland

Johannesburg,SA biggest city

Cape Town beaches

Provinces of SA

Sun City a holiday resort

Country side

Nelson Mandela

Johannesburg capital city

Zulu Huts

Old flag of SA

Lilies famous flowers

Natural Beauty

University of South Africa

World Cup 2010

Lions one of the big 5

Cape Point

Clifton Beach

In rural areas children walk to school

Access to water is a problem

Aloes very commen plants

Nelson Mandela now 93

Great white shark

Leopards one of the big 5

SA is famous for wine

Rhinos one of the big 5

The protea is SA national flower

Ostriches are a source of meat

A favourite sport CRICKET

South Africa

The end
