source of energy ppt


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Hi , everybody ! Let us all learn about …………..

Team Members: . Ann Mary roy . Fameena Mohammed. Fathima ArakkalMaimoona fateh. Navjot M.S.Shabeena HAleema


Energy can neither be CREATED nor be DESTROYED. It can only be transformed from one form to another.

Characteristics of a good source of fuel :

1) It should have a high energy output per unit mass or volume.

2) It must be easily accessible.3) It must be easy to store and transport.4) It must be economical.


It’s learn more about fossil fuels……..

Are you ready ^.^

Hydro power plant.* In hydro power plant we generate electricity with the help Of water.

* Potential energy of water stored at heights is converted into Kinetic energy of flowing water which in turn is converted into Electricity.

* Renewable source of energy.

* Not many natural waterfalls for this , so dams are constructed.

* Dams are nothing but a kind of obstruction in a water body. Dams will create reservoir to store water at a height.

Hydroelectric generation Process.

* Dams obstruct water flow.

* Water gets collected in big reservoir at a height.

* Kinetic energy of water gets converted into Potential energy.

* Water from high-level carries to lower level dam Where turbine is located.

* Kinetic energy of water thus runs the turbine.

* Then, electricity is produced.

Disadvantages of damsConstruction.

* Large areas of agricultural lands need to be sacrificed.

* Huge human habitation is compromised.

* Large ecosystem are destroyed when submerged under the water in dams.

Done by shebeena ajith group 1.


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