Solar System Presentation



Here you have some concept of Solar System

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  • 1. Solar System SolarSystem

2. T solar system is built by the he sun, the planets and satellite, asteroids, meteorites and comets. 3. T solar system belongs to the Galaxy via L he actea, which is made up of hundreds of billions of stars located along a flat disk 100,000 light years. T Solar System is located in one of three spiral arms of this galaxy called he 4. Inner planets 5. Cpyright: zam aliThe EarthThe earth has its own satellite, the moon. It is built in 3 part: atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere. And it has 2 differnt movement. 6. The Moon The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. Also the moon has a rotation and traslation, for that reason it has different fases and we usually see the same faceCopyright: Quaoar 7. Different movementThe phases of the moon are different illuminationsCopyright: David Carillet and moviment which presenting our satellite in the course of a month. 8. The Earth Rotation movement It is a move makes the Earth routing on itself from west to east along an imaginary shaft called Earth shaft through its poles.Copyright: Galushko Sergey 9. Translation movement It is a movement by which the Earth rotates in an orbit around the Sun in 365 days Every four years there is a year has 366 days, which is called a leap year. The cause of this movement is the action of gravity. 10. External planetsJupiter, Saturn Uranus and Neptune 11. Something that is interesting?B oreal and austral auroras are the result of interactions of these particles, which are electrons and protons, with air molecules. T hese particles come out of the sun atmosphere and penetrate the solar system.
