Social studies chapter 3


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Social Studies Chapter 3


What do you notice about this Wampanoag?

His hair is long and in braids. He has animal fur shaped into a headdress.

What is being made?

A wetu!

Where are we?We are inside a wetu or longhouse looking at the smoke hole .

How would the Wampanoag make these designs and colors?

They would dye the straw with berries and weave the straw by hand.

What type of dwelling is this and who lives here?

This is a longhouse which is the winter home of the Wampanoag. They would live in this dwelling with parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

What do you see? A Wampanoag garden.

What would the wooden structure be used for?A young Wampanoag boy would sit on the top of the wooden structure to scare away animals that may want to eat what is planted in the garden.

What has been planted?

The three sisters: beans, corn and squash.

What is this Wampanoag doing?He is making a mishoon which we call a canoe.

Cut down a large tree and burn out the center. As the fire burns; scrape the burnt wood to hollow out the center.

How do you make a mishoon?

What would these tools be used for?


What are these tools made from?stone and animal bone

Who would play with this toy? A young wampanoag girl.

What is it made of?

An animal’s hide.

What is happening in these photos?

This is an outside cooking fire.

This is a compost heap!

What do you see in the compost heap?

Crab and quahog shells