Social Psychology Final Project


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SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING AND DESIGNFoundation in Natural & Built Environments






The video follows the journey of Darren, a troubled architecture student.


A group work submission is soon due and Darren has barely contributed anything to help his

group. Reluctantly, he shows up to the meeting so that Meagan would stop bothering him about it. However, Darren continues to not contribute

to the group and even leaves the classroom without helping at all. Meagan and Nadrah are

left to rush the remaining tasks that Darren had failed to complete.


On the day of submission, Meagan and Nadrah manage to produce a successful outcome, earning

an A+ grade for the group. Darren is very enthusiastic about getting an A+ and is very

proud about it, associating himself with Meagan and Nadrah, despite the fact his contribution

was very minimal.


Meagan and Nadrah confront Darren about not helping them with the group assignment but

Darren tries to give excuses and feels like it isn’t such a big deal because they “still got an A anyways”. Meagan and Nadrah continue to talk to Darren about it, causing him to lose his

temper and storm off.


It is revealed that Darren’s parents regularly argue with each other and their tumultuous

relationship has affected the way Darren deals with conflict – this is the reason behind

Darren’s violence, and is also the reason why he walks away from conflict and his problems.


It is also revealed that Darren has musical talent. Darren is seen playing his guitar – and

allows him to escape from his troubles. Darren never wanted to be an architect – he

wanted to be an international artist, but went to university to study architecture upon his

parents’ request.



1. social loafing2. basking in reflected glory (birg-ing)3. counterfactual thinking4. observational learning5. intrinsic motivation

social loafingdefinition:

Social loafing is the phenomenon of people exerting less effort to achieve a goal when they work in a group than when they work alone.

social loafing

social loafingapplication:

There is no peer assessment being done for this group assignment, so Darren feels no responsibility to complete the project. Darren feels that his contribution to the group work will not matter, so he continues to just slack off.

basking in reflected glorydefinition:

Basking in Reflected Glory is a self-serving cognition whereby an individual associates themselves with known successful others such that the winner's success becomes the individual's own accomplishment.

basking in reflected glory “Hey, we got an A+!”

basking in reflected gloryapplication:

When it is found out that they achieved an A, Darren is more than happy to associate himself with Meagan and Nadrah even though he does not deserve the A. Darren also sees the group’s success as an accomplishment of his own just because he was a member of the group.

counterfactual thinkingdefinition:

Counterfactual thinking is imagining different outcomes for an event that has already occurred. It is usually associated with bad or negative events. There are upward and downward counterfactuals that can be used to either improve or worsen an individual’s mood.

counterfactual thinking“yeah…but we still got an A right?”

counterfactual thinkingapplication:

Darren is implying to Meagan and Nadrah that even though he didn’t contribute much to the group, at least he showed up for presentation. He thinks to himself that even though he did not do much work, he at least showed up – which is better than not showing up at all.

observational learningdefinition:

Observational learning is the process of acquiring information by observing others. It is a type of learning most associated with the work and social learning theory of psychologist Albert Bandura. Observational learning is thought to be particularly important during childhood. Observational learning can produce new behaviours, and either increase or decrease the frequency with which a previously learned behaviour is demonstrated.

observational learning

observational learningapplication:

Being exposed to violence between his parents from a young age, Darren is conditioned to dealing with conflict in a hostile manner, which is the cause of his short temper when being confronted by Meagan and Nadrah. Darren’s father has the tendency to walk away from conflict which is why Darren reacted in a similar manner and left the room.

intrinsic motivationdefinition:

Intrinsic motivation is defined as performing an action or behaviour because you enjoy the activity itself. Whereas acting on extrinsic motivation is done for the sake of some external outcome, the inspiration for acting on intrinsic motivation can be found in the action itself.

intrinsic motivation

intrinsic motivationapplication:

Darren was forced to take architecture by his parents so he lacks the intrinsic motivation to do his coursework. However, he has a passion for music so he gains joy from playing his guitar.
