Social networks are the new neighborhood for moms



Social Networks are an important part of motherhood and for many mothers, it is the new neighborhood. Many moms find it much easier to connect with new friends that have similar cyber interests as well as their own real-life girlfriends on social platforms.

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Social Networks Are the New Neighborhood for Moms

Social Media Sites…

Social Networks are an important part of motherhood and for many mothers, it is the new neighborhood. Many moms find it much easier to connect with new friends that have similar cyber interests as well as their own real-life girlfriends on social platforms. What started out as a trendy something-to-do has quickly become a must-do for all women to stay sane when life is quite the opposite. We turn to social media for easy dinner recipes or to blow off steam when things go wrong to an audience that is relatively safe.

Moms are too busy to connect over the fence so many of us have pulled out our laptops, tablets and phones to visit with friends. I don't believe that social networking can replace the face-to-face girl time but I will admit that since Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, I've connected and communicated with tons of people from high school, college and old neighbors and friends who I'm truly glad to have become reacquainted with.

Megan Calhoun, the founder of one of my favorite social networks called said:

"Women, especially mothers, seem to be naturally gifted community builders. The growth of social networking services like Facebook and Twitter has helped them expand beyond physical communities and family. Women can now extend their networks to connect with people they admire, trust, share a connection with or who simply make them laugh.

While I'd argue nearly all women crave community and support -- particularly around the challenges of motherhood -- not all women are equally driven to build extensive communities. There is a need to build community, but the trend you're likely referring to is simply that some moms are driven to maintain highly visible, extensive communities and the world of social networking sites and blogs allow them to maintain a high number of relationships in an efficient manner."

Tracy Odell, Executive Vice President of believes:

"One reason that social networking is important to today's moms is because the real-life support systems that previous generations of moms had have eroded. In the past, mothers lived with family and extended family and had lots of help raising their children. Today, many moms live in more isolated households so being able to go online to get advice or just have another person to talk to is a both a huge help and a sanity saver. We all need a shoulder to lean on and online communities offer that shoulder any time you need it."

So, to help you get started, here are my top 10 social networks for moms: Extensive resource for new moms. Wonderful resource for advice, humor, and to make connections. Tons of great parenting articles and a well-organized community. Smart mom bloggers and exceptional, relevant content.






6. Great site to build your personal brand online with high integrity opportunities and an extended network of like-minded mothers. Great site with excellent content to help women navigate what is most important to them. This is just downright hilarious. Blogs, articles, and an extensive mom network. This truly entertaining site has videos, games, and more just for moms. A lot of great information with a focus on healthy living for families. Because we love Disney and go every year.





And....for a bonus #11 and a little shameless self-promotion:

Mom network that focuses on the importance of and how to practice successful self-care.

If you have been fighting social networking, I encourage you not to knock it before you try it. If you are a veteran,

share what your favorite sites are for women and mothers. Enjoy your new neighbors.

Mia RedrickThe Mom Strategist
