Social Media Recruiting (WVUCOM293 Guest Lecture)



Julie Skowronek, assistant marketing director with Whiting Consulting, speaks to WVUCOM293 "Social Media and the Workplace" on current trends in corporate social media recruiting. Skowronek, herself a social media recruiter, reports on the growing usage of social media by companies large and small who use information gleaned from the social network to learn more about potential job candidates - and what graduating college students can to do strategically place themselves in this new environment.

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  • 1.

2. Social Media Outlook for College Grads

  • Lon Safko, author ofThe Social Media Bible :
    • You are the first generation on the planet that is now required to do brand management on your own personal brand.
    • Students can give themselves a competitive edge by including relevant content in their online presence.
    • Freshman are recommended to start developing their professional presence in-person and online.
      • Be a player not a playa early in the game


  • 89% of US companies use social media in some way during their recruitment process, which increased from 83% in 2010.

Social Media Outlook for College GradsJobvite Social Recruiting Survey 2011 4. Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey 2011 5. Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey 2011 6. Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey 2011 DO NOT REVIEW AT ALL 13% 7. 8. The Good of Social Media

  • Network on steroids All about an ongoing conversation
  • Allows you to build different communities
  • Helps you to further build relationships
  • Allows you to always stay connected
  • Educates audiences
  • Advice agent
  • It gives people a voice
  • What you talk about online is a reflection of you, and how you are perceived by others.