Simple solutions for success and happiness for everyone



This presentation discuses healthy and successful living with simple solutions. These simple solutions might help many to enhance, predict and manage their daily and lifelong goals better than before.

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The Way to Peace

Dr. Health

•How many people do you support?

• The More you support people, the better you


• The more you learn, the more opportunities you will have.

• As you become more aware, you will better understand and predict things.

• Categorize your decisions into harmful and useful.

• Be careful no decision will remain out of these.

• Instead of grieving over your mistakes, prevent them in the first place, and think before acting.

• Respect and love can bring you peace, and also more support.

• Be a leader, if not, find one for yourself.

• Be careful who or what you follow in real life.

Don’t lie, at least to yourself.

Be honest, at least about yourself.

• It is not important where you started, it is important how far you’ve gone.

• We start neither at the same place, nor with the same capabilities, so why do we expect to reach the same destinations?

• Most people live in poverty and face failure, because they don’t believe they can almost change everything.

• You don’t gain anything unless you lose something, so think about your choices.

• Change is possible, if you believe in it, and sough enough

what is this??

• Get involved with the group; don’t run away from it. It would bring you more safety.

• Do not seek luxury or beauty. Being safe and useful is far enough.

• Your life belongs to you, and is no copy of others’. Seek and find what is best for you.

• Stay neat, hopeful and organized. This will make everything OK, or at least constant.

• Pay attention to the most valuable thing you have: your health.

• Your future is first created in your mind, then in front of your eyes.

• Make, don’t escape;

• Do, don’t ignore;

• Change, don’t be still.

• Your environment, family and genetics are born with you,

• but you can build your future by making your own decisions.

• Change is possible if you believe, wait and try hard.

Stress causes mental illness; mental illness makes you feel sick; sickness increases the stress. Stop this cycle.

• Don’t forget the world has changed. These days, it is your mind which creates your life, not your body.

• Be up-to-date, skilled, and equipped with the latest technologies and knowledge. It costs much less than the money it makes.

• Tell me how many skills you have to tell you where you will get to.

• Think global, learn global and act global if the local situation is not working for you.

• If you can manage your life, you can have peace of mind, no matter where you live and work.

• Don’t forget the miracle of partying.

• Remember that your actions influence your future. Bear in mind that a broken ladder gets you nowhere.

• Think whether your actions harm or sadden anyone; If yes, think of a possible alternative.

• Beware if you harm anyone, sooner or later you will be harmed as you deserve.

• Play the game by the local rules, but be the best, honest player, at least.

• Do talks and dialogues. Shouting at one another and having arguments are the worst solutions.

• Review the stories of others, and Keep them as a reminder. It is neither wise, nor timely to experience everything yourself.
