Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS



Slides from Colearn class with Sid Maestre: Building APPS with BACKBONE.JS & REQUIRE.JS When developing HTML5 application, your code is bound to get more complex over time. Employing design patterns like MVC are important for separating concerns and creating more modular and reusable code. Backbone.js is one of the more popular JavaScript frameworks to help you do this. Unfortunately, like most open source, the documentation is a work in progress. Don't worry, I'll walk you through a series of examples that build on each other as I show how the moving parts work together. We'll add the StackMob JavaScript SDK to extend backbone.js and persist your data in the cloud. We'll wrap up our session looking at how require.js allows you to break your backbone.js code into discreet modules during development. Once you are ready to deploy you can use require.js to build an optimized version of your javascript for production.

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Saturday, June 22, 13

Sidney MaestrePlatform Evangelist

@SidneyAllenGitHub | Twitter

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13


Model View

Saturday, June 22, 13


Model View

Saturday, June 22, 13


Model View

Saturday, June 22, 13


Model View

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON01-model

Saturday, June 22, 13


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend();

Saturday, June 22, 13


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend();

Saturday, June 22, 13


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend();

firstWine = new Wine({ winery : 'Clos Pegase', year : '2008', type : 'Chardonnay', size : '750ml',});

Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON02-collection

Saturday, June 22, 13


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Wine, url: "#"});

Saturday, June 22, 13


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Wine, url: "#"});

Saturday, June 22, 13


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Wine, url: "#"});

wines = new Wines([ {winery : "Robert Mondovi"}, {winery : "CakeBread"}]);

Saturday, June 22, 13


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Wine, url: "#"});

wines = new Wines([ {winery : "Robert Mondovi"}, {winery : "CakeBread"}]);

wines.each( function(model) { console.log(model.get('winery')); });

Saturday, June 22, 13


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Wine, url: "#"});

wines = new Wines([ {winery : "Robert Mondovi"}, {winery : "CakeBread"}]);

wines.each( function(model) { console.log(model.toJSON()); });

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13


Geo Queries



Load Balancing


Push Notifications


Controls Twitter

Amazon S3 User Authentication

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Custom Code

Saturday, June 22, 13

and talk to any API

Saturday, June 22, 13

and talk to any API

Saturday, June 22, 13

Easy to use SDKs

Saturday, June 22, 13

Easy to use SDKs

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13




3Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON03-stackmob-model

Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13

INITStackMob.init({    publicKey: "814004dd-a72a-4425-9d2e-63d21d76588e",    apiVersion: 0});

Saturday, June 22, 13

MODEL var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"});

Saturday, June 22, 13

MODEL var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"});

var wine = new Wine({name:‘Robert Mondavi});

wine.create({ success: function(model){


Saturday, June 22, 13

MODEL var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"});

var wine = new Wine({name:‘Robert Mondavi});

wine.create({ success: function(model){


Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON04-stackmob-collection

Saturday, June 22, 13

var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"}); var Wines = StackMob.Collection.extend({ model: Wine});


Saturday, June 22, 13

var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"}); var Wines = StackMob.Collection.extend({ model: Wine});

var wines = new Wines();

wines.fetch({async: true});


Saturday, June 22, 13

COLLECTIONvar Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"}); var Wines = StackMob.Collection.extend({ model: Wine});

var wines = new Wines();

wines.fetch({async: true});


Saturday, June 22, 13

COLLECTION var Wine = StackMob.Model.extend({ schemaName: "wine"});

var Wines = StackMob.Collection.extend({ model: Wine});

var wines = new Wines();

wines.fetch({async: true});

var wine = new Wine({name:‘Robert Mondavi});

wine.create({ success: function(model){ wines.add(model); }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON05-home-view

Saturday, June 22, 13


HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({});

Saturday, June 22, 13


HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({

render: function() { this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>"); return this; }});

Saturday, June 22, 13


HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({

initialize: function() { this.render(); },

render: function() {

this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>"); return this; }});

Wine Cellar

Saturday, June 22, 13


HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: 'body', initialize: function() { this.render(); },

render: function() {

this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>"); return this; }});

Wine Cellar

Saturday, June 22, 13


HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: 'body', initialize: function() { this.render(); },

render: function() {

this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>"); return this; }});

Wine Cellar Wine Cellar Wine Cellar Wine Cellar Wine Cellar

Saturday, June 22, 13


HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: 'body', initialize: function() { this.render(); },

render: function() { this.$el.empty(); this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>"); return this; }});

Wine Cellar

Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON06-list-view

Saturday, June 22, 13


ListView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'ul',

render: function() { this.$el.empty(); this.$el.append("<li>Wine 1</li>"); this.$el.append("<li>Wine 2</li>"); return this; }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

Wine Cellar


HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: 'body', initialize: function() { this.render(); },

render: function() { this.empty(); this.$el.append("<h1>Wine Cellar</h1>");

this.listView = new ListView(); this.$el.append(this.listView.render().el);

return this; }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON07-basic-template

Saturday, June 22, 13

TEMPLATE<script type="text/template" id="listTemplate"> <li><%= winery %></li></script>

Saturday, June 22, 13

TEMPLATE<script type="text/template" id="listTemplate"> <li><%= winery %></li></script>

ListView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'ul', initialize: function() { this.template = _.template($('#listTemplate').html()); },



Saturday, June 22, 13

TEMPLATE<script type="text/template" id="listTemplate"> <li><%= value %></li></script>ListView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'ul', initialize: function() { this.template = _.template($('#listTemplate').html()); wines.bind('all', this.render,this); this.render(); },

render: function() { ... this.$el.append(this.template({value : "Cakebread"}));

return this; }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON08-collection-template

Saturday, June 22, 13

TEMPLATE<script type="text/template" id="listTemplate"> <li><%= value %></li></script>

ListView = Backbone.View.extend({ ... render: function() { var el = this.$el, template = this.template;

el.empty(); wines.each(function(wine){ el.append(template( wine.toJSON() )); });

return this; }});

Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON09-basic-router

Saturday, June 22, 13

ROUTERAppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes:{ "":"home", "add":"add" },

home:function () { new HomeView(); }, add:function () { new AddView(); }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

ROUTERvar app = (function($){


var initialize = function() { wineApp = new AppRouter(); Backbone.history.start(); }

return { initialize : initialize }


$(document).ready(function () { app.initialize();});

Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON10-adv-router

Saturday, June 22, 13

ROUTERAppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes:{ "":"home", "add":"add" },

initialize:function(options) { this.collection = options.collection; },

home:function () { new HomeView({collection:this.collection}); }, add:function () { new AddView({collection:this.collection}); }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

ROUTERvar initialize = function() { var wines = new Wines(); wines.fetch({async:true});

wineApp = new AppRouter({collection : wines}); Backbone.history.start();}

Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON11-events

Saturday, June 22, 13

EVENTSAddView = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { "click #addBtn": "add", ... },

... add: function(e) { // do something... return this; }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

ADDadd: function(e) { var collection = this.collection;

var wine = new Wine({winery:$('#winery').val() });

wine.create({ success: function(model){ } }); return this;}

Saturday, June 22, 13

ADDadd: function(e) { var collection = this.collection;

var wine = new Wine({winery:$('#winery').val() });

wine.create({ success: function(model){ } }); return this;}

Saturday, June 22, 13

ADDadd: function(e) { var collection = this.collection;

var wine = new Wine({winery:$('#winery').val() });

wine.create({ success: function(model){ collection.add(model); } }); return this;}

Saturday, June 22, 13

ADDadd: function(e) { var collection = this.collection;

var wine = new Wine({winery:$('#winery').val() });

wine.create({ success: function(model){ collection.add(model); } }); return this;}

Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ON12-update

Saturday, June 22, 13

TEMPLATE<script type="text/template" id="listTemplate"> <li><a href="#update/<%= wine_id %>"><%= winery %></a></li></script>

Saturday, June 22, 13

ROUTERAppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes:{ "":"home", "add":"add", "update/:id":"update" },


update:function(e) { model = this.collection.get(e); new UpdateView({model: model}); }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

VIEWvar UpdateView = Backbone.View.extend({ ... initialize: function() { this.model = this.options.model; },

save: function(e) {{winery:$('#winery').val()}, { success: function(model) { } }); return this; }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

VIEWvar UpdateView = Backbone.View.extend({ ... initialize: function() { this.model = this.options.model; },

save: function(e) {{winery:$('#winery').val()}, { success: function(model) { } }); return this; }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend();

Saturday, June 22, 13


define([ 'backbone'], function(Backbone) {

var WineModel = Backbone.Model.extend(); return WineModel;


Saturday, June 22, 13


Wine = Backbone.Model.extend(); Wines = Backbone.Collection.extend({ Model: Wine, url: "#"});

Saturday, June 22, 13


define([ 'backbone', 'models/wine/Model'], function(Backbone,Model){

var WineCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ Model: Model, url: '#' });

return WineCollection;});

Saturday, June 22, 13


ListView = Backbone.View.extend({ ... render: function() { var el = this.$el, template = this.template;

el.empty(); wines.each(function(wine){ el.append(template( wine.toJSON() )); });

return this; }});

Saturday, June 22, 13


define([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'text!templates/wine/WineListTemplate.html'], function($, _, Backbone,WineListTemplate){

var WineListView = Backbone.View.extend({



return WineListView;});

Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ONrequire

Saturday, June 22, 13

BOOTSTRAP<script data-main="js/main" src="js/libs/require/require.js"></script>

Saturday, June 22, 13

MAIN.JSrequire.config({ baseUrl: "/js/", paths: { jquery: 'libs/jquery/jquery-1.8.2', underscore: 'libs/underscore/underscore-1.4.4', backbone: 'libs/backbone/backbone-1.0.0', templates: '../templates', app: 'app' },

shim: { underscore: { exports: '_' }, backbone: { deps: ["underscore", "jquery"], exports: "Backbone" } }});

Saturday, June 22, 13

MAIN.JSrequire(['jquery','app'], function( $, App ){

$(function(){ App.initialize(); });


Saturday, June 22, 13

APP.JSdefine([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'router' // Request router.js], function($, _, Backbone, Router){

var initialize = function() { Router.initialize(); };

return { initialize: initialize };});

Saturday, June 22, 13

ROUTERdefine([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'views/home/HomeView', 'views/wine/AddView', 'collections/wine/WineCollection'], function($, _,Backbone, HomeView, AddView, UpdateView, Wines) { ...

var initialize = function(){ var wines = new Wines(); var app_router = new AppRouter({collection: wines});

Backbone.history.start(); }; return { initialize: initialize };});

Saturday, June 22, 13

ROUTERAppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ initialize: function(options) { this.collection = options.collection; },

routes:{ "":"home", "add":"add" },

home:function () { this.changePage( new HomeView({collection : this.collection}) ); },

add:function () { this.changePage( new AddView({collection : this.collection, router : this}) ); },


Saturday, June 22, 13


Saturday, June 22, 13

BUILD.JS({ appDir: "../", baseUrl: "js", dir: "../../appdirectory-build", paths: { ... },

shim: { ... }, modules: [ { name: "main" } ]})

Saturday, June 22, 13

BUILDnode r.js -o build.js optimize=none


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OPTIMIZEnode r.js -o build.js


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Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ONjqm-template

Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ONdevelopment

Saturday, June 22, 13

HANDS ONmywine

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Saturday, June 22, 13

Saturday, June 22, 13

Q&ASaturday, June 22, 13