Shot list


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Shot list

Shot Number

Shot Type Location Description

1 Black Video - The screen will be black as the narrator first starts talking so that all of the audience’s attention is focussed on what is being said

2 Long shot – medium shot

Garage (Alex’s bedroom)

The screen will cut to a shot of a window where behind the glass there is a figure in a bed, the camera will then start to move forward towards the figure and pass through the window

2 Medium Shot - Extreme Close Up

Garage (Alex’s bedroom)

The camera will continue to move in on the figure until it is directly in front of his face where it will stop

3 Establishing Shot

Linford Hospital Establishing shot of the characters spaced around the room with the two arguing characters positioned in the middle

4 Over The Shoulder

Linford Hospital Over the shoulder, close up so the focus is on the girl arguing but the audience can see who she is arguing with, the shot will be hand held to match the tense scene

5 Shot Reverse Shot

Linford Hospital The shot will then cut to another over the shoulder shot as the boy delivers his line so the audience can experience the argument from both sides, still hand held

6 Extreme Close Up

Linford Hospital An extreme close up of ALEX’s hands holding a pocket watch

7 Close Up Linford Hospital A close up of ALEX, so the audience can see it is him holding the watch and his eye line is focused on it

8 Over The Shoulder

Linford Hospital The scene will cut back to an over the shoulder shot of the girl as the argument was still taking place in the background, hand held to contrast the previous intense shot

9 Wide Shot Linford Hospital The over the shoulder shot will pan round as another boy joins the argument and as it pans to the left he will come into shot

10 Medium Close Up Shot

Linford Hospital After the boy has started delivering his lines the shot will cut to a medium shot so the audience focus on what he is saying and who is speaking

11 Wide Shot Linford Hospital As the girl then starts talking the shot will cut back to a wide shot to see the reaction of the two characters to what BOY2 has said

12 Wide Shot Linford Hospital The shot will cut back to a wide view of BOY2 to see his reaction to GIRL’s response and begin to slowly zoom in on their reaction –(I may remove this shot if I feel it would be more effective to stay on GIRL)

13 Long Shot Linford Hospital The shot will cut back to The two characters as BOY begins to speak and then ALEX interrupts, by having a long shot we will see the characters reaction to his words and it will be effective to hear ALEX but will not see him

14 Medium Close Up Shot

Linford Hospital We will then cut to ALEX to make it clear that it was him speaking and that he is addressing the other survivors, the camera will title upwards so the audience can see he is still holding the pocket watch and increase suspense to what he is suggesting, he will then speak to the other again

15 Long shot Linford Hospital The shot will cut to a long shot to see the reaction of his words from the other characters, it will then pan to the right to get a whole view of all of them, BOY2 will then stand and walk forward clearly into shot to speak

16 Medium Close Up

Linford Hospital The shot will then cut to directly in front of GIRL, BOY and BOY2 as BOY speaks and we get a closer view of their reactions

17 Close Up Linford Hospital Just before ALEX says the final lines of the scene there will be a close up of his face to indicate his power to the audience and create suspense

18 Extreme Close up

Linford Hospital An extreme close up of his pocket watch will reinforce its significance to the audience

19 Medium Close Up

Linford Hospital A medium close up – long shot will track ALEX as he exits the scene and the camera will pan left as the other characters begin to follow

20 Long Shot Linford Hospital The scene will cut to a long shot as the characters begin to leave the room, the shot will be direct at BOY and GIRL to physically display the tension between them

21 Wide Shot Linford Hospital A wide shot from another angle will show the characters exiting the room and the camera will begin to track their movement

22 Long Shot Exterior Linford Hospital

The camera will be positioned on the floor to get a view of the outside of the building and the characters will jump into shot as if jumping out of the building, the camera will then begin to tilt upwards as the figures walk away from us

23 Establishing Shot

Exterior Linford Hospital

There will be a long shot from a high position so the audience can establish that they are exiting the area, the shot will pan left in the direction the figures are walking in and I will add an effect to indicate the fact it is a surveillance camera watching them

24 Ariel Shot Castle Hill Still in the theme of a surveillance camera I will have an Ariel shot of the figures walking beneath so the audience get the idea, this also allows transition into another location

25 Wide Castle Hill A wide shot will establish the change of scenery into more of a forest area and having a wide shot allows all the characters to be scene reflecting what is said in the voice over

26 Long Shot Castle Hill The long shot will display the vast open landscape of the forest and the figures slowly walking into the distance


Medium Close Up

Castle Hill The close will cut away from the surveillance cameras and focus on ALEX

28 Wide Castle Hill ALEX will start to turn away from the group and the camera will pan right following his movement until it is in front of him

29 Over The Shoulder

Castle Hill The camera will cut to an over the shoulder of ALEX pulling the pocket watch out of his pocket and looking at it and the camera will zoom in and the shot will cut to black


Long Shot Castle Hill Leading on from the previous shot the camera will start to zoom in towards the figures on the forest, drawing in the audience’s attention

27 Close Up Castle Hill The zoom will end on ALEX slowly turning until he is completely facing our direction staring directly into the surveillance camera