Shot List


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1. Stop Motion(High Angle)

To begin the opening credits a tripod will be set up at a high angle to show the floor of a forest. Each

frame will display a pentagram being drawn

on the floor with salt. Once the pentagram is

drawn, 5 candles appear around the circumference and then each one is lit


The props used, all have relevance to witchcraft (salt and candles). 5 candles will be used to be placed at each point on the pentagram star.

The forest scene gives connotations of solitude and loneliness, which tends to be common themes in horror films.

2. Pan

Then shift to a pan across a dark forest following hooded figures walking through the trees.

Each figure will wear a black cloak to mask their identity and trigger fear of the unknown, which will look effective on the screen.

3. Close UpBirds Eye View

Bird’s eye view shows an old book on a table lit by a

candle. The book shows information and symbols which relate to witchcraft

The old looking book will resemble a spell book and

the candle again is a typical prop in all witch-

themed films.

4. Canted Angle

Canted angle of a hooded figure looking into the distance in the forest.

They then look down into the camera lens, showing

their pale face and scream, high pitched into

the camera

The actor will wear a black cloak, possibly hooded.

Their makeup will consist of a white face and very

black eyes, given a sunken look.

5. Pan

Pan across a shelf showing four jars with

bizarre objects inside such as eyeballs and brains.

The jars are a generic prop used frequently in this style of

film and it represents the darker side of witchcraft,

sacrifice and potion making. The body parts inside hint towards murder, which is a frightening aspect in the

opening credits to foreshadow what happens later in the

plot.6. Tilt up Shot of a hooded figure

starting at the feet and working up to their waist.

The cloak again masks the identity of the actor and the surrounding forest

gives the impression that the character is secluded

away from humanity.

7. Medium close up

They hold their hand out and draw a knife across

the skin causing excessive bleeding.

The main prop in this shot is the knife as it shows

sacrifice as a result of the witch’s beliefs. The blood

will act as a vibrant contrast on the dull

scenery and costumes.

8. Low/Dutch Angle

Witches are huddled together around the

camera, chanting in the forest. They are in a circle

around the lens.

Each witch is branded together in her matching cloaks and their huddled position gives a sense of intimidation and fear that we want to emphasise in

the film.

9. Close up The face of a witch chanting aggressively.

Again, the make up is key in this scene as it makes the actor look demented, and almost possessed as they chant aggressively.

10. PanPan across the wrists of the witches, each with

their pentagram tattoos.

The tattoo’s on the wrists is key as it is scratched

into their skin rather than officially tattooed. This means that the witches were either mutilated

against their will or my choice in a frightening


11. Long ShotFrom behind a man in a suit in an opening in the trees. He is all in black.

The man is wearing a suit, which looks out of place

given the woodland location. This hints

towards the idea that he doesn’t belong there and

this unnatural combination, again, giving

a sense of unease.

12. Close up

Behind the man’s head as an over the shoulder shot showing a black figure out

of focus.

This shot of the figure in black also gives a sense of

unease as we cant tell who the person in the

distance is.

13. Long Shot Front facing the man in the opening of the trees.

Now we can see that the man is wearing a red tie, which stands out, like the blood previously, on the

dull background. This gives connotations of

danger and warning as well as passion, which

foreshadow the character’s traits.

14. Mid ShotCloser shot of the man in the trees. He stands still

in an eerie way.

The man’s face is visible for the first time and it

shows that he has a small beard and moustache.

15. Close Up The man’s face laughing manically.

The man’s laughter is manic and frightening.

His beard and facial features reveal that he is

the devil.