Short film 2


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Short Film

Idea Generation

Proposal idea

Genre:Action Film

A thrilling short film that involves valiance, drama, conflict and action. It will involve a action pact realistic fight scene with a fitting storyline that adds more meaning to the fight scene.

Target Market Audience: Young adults Ages 16-24Audience in general prefer shorter short film then longer short film. There more to the point, less time consuming and are usually much more interesting.

Short Action Films

Short action film called “Losses” created by Film Riot“A man that has been trained to kill, betrayed the financierof that training and has only five minutes to prove his worth before the financier cuts his losses.”

The crew had there location for 4 days and each day where Only allowed three hours to film including setting up and leaving. That’s a total of 12 hours. The director Ryan Connolly used his younger brother as the main character and shot the whole film using one Camera, the red epic camera he had on lone from one of his sponsors. Being and an action film there was a lot of fight scenes in it and the main fight scene shot they filmed in 2 hours. Ryan Connonly had a friend who is trained MMA fighter who he used in the main fight scene as the bad guy. They choreographed the fight scene before hand and filmed the scene using the shaky cam technique.

The budget for this film was about $200 and most of that money went into the costumes, this left Ryan the Director with a very small budget. The majority of actors and film crew where friends and family, the locations where leant tohim for free and they had very little time, this will have saved Ryan a lot of money.

Short Action Films

Short action film called “Losses” created by Film Riot“A man that has been trained to kill, betrayed the financier of that training and has only five minutes to prove his worthbefore the financier cuts his losses.”

When creating a fight scene try and keep it realistic and if necessary over excaudate the movements of the actors. This will be necessary most of the time as this makes the movements of the actors more visible to the camera. If possible use an actor who knows how to fight and are in control of there body and can be quite dominant. You need to choreograph the fight before hand and a really good way of shooting a fight scene is by splitting it into sections. This means you can film each section of the fight and then piece it all together to create one whole fight scene.

Short Action Films

Short action film called “Shifter” created by the the Hallivis Brothers“Shifter movie synopsis: Los Angeles – 2023. James Striker is on the verge of bringing down the oppressive government that has crushed all freedom in the United States. But before he can take them on, Striker must get past a homicidal drone and an elite squad of EFT soldiers. His only advantage is the SHIFT, a process that allows Striker to transfer his mind into an identical clone body. New body, Same mission: Bring the whole system down.”

This film had a much larger budget then the previous one as well as a larger and better trained crew and a much longer time period to film there short film. This film uses a lot of CGI techniques to create many of the effects in the film like the drone.The actors would have to act as if certain object where actually there despite the fact that they where digitally added afterwards.

The screen shot to the left is of a short video that shows you how there film fits to the story bored. The story bored is very accurate and precise and this shows you how well they planned the short film before the began to shoot it. There are only few different shots added or taken away from how they where planned on the story bored. The story bored they created supplied them with a very good structure on how to shoot the film.

The first key thing to think about is simple what's your short film about. One of the keys thing to remember is that the its “short” film so keep the story line simple and “short”. Elements we still use today in drama are things like a hero, who wants something, takes action, meets with conflict, this leads to a climax and a resolution. Being a short film there is know time to explore different topics it needs to be simple and to the point. If you even have a rough idea of the film will end then you need to ask yourself a few questions to help structure it. Who is destroyed?, Who grows?, What causes the destruction or growth?, If the hero wins, what special quality enables him to overcome the opposition?, Did he have it in the beginning?, and if not, how did he get it?

The key things from this article are that unlike people who have spent tens of millions of pounds on producing a feature film you only have a very small budget if an. This means you need to think simple and low key. A short film with a gripping story line that wouldn’t be costly to make. If you have gripping and interesting story line think of the simplest way to shoot it as this will save you a lot of money.

Short films can last between 45 seconds to 40 minutes but the best idea is to keep them as short as possible. Audience in general prefer shorter short film then longer short film. There more to the point, less time consuming and are usually much more interesting. The shorter thefilm the less time consuming it is to make andIts also much cheaper to make. The more time You spend on set the money you will spend on little things like feeding your crew which in the long run can be very expensive.

When planning a short film you need to know your resources, don’t be overly ambitious and plan a short film where you have access to the locations you need. Also plan the film so you can shoot it with the equipment you have available. Try and keep the talking to a minimum, its hard to find good actors and film is a visual medium where you show things through actions rather then talking. If you can present a story through the action of a character then its solid story for a short film.

Start your film with a strong opening shot as this is really important because it’s the first impression you will make on your audience. The opening of the short film should have action or conflict or even a just an interesting shot to it. The opening shot needs to be powerful, something engaging, something that will hook your audience.

Draft Report

Audience:Film riot created the short film “Losses” and then uploaded to YouTube in order to share it to the public for free. The short film is currently on 747,477 views and its still climbing despite being uploaded 2 years ago. The YouTubechannel Film Riot is gaining around 500 to 600 subscribers each day making there monthly earning around 4.1K andthere yearly earning around 50.0K. However they still advertise companies and will be making extra income from these companies as well. Film Riot already have 692,681 subscribers so they know who there target audience is when making a short film. Film riot already know there audience are interested in films and how to make them so they need to show of fancy techniques in there short films and make it look professional. The CGBros directed the short CGI film “Shifter”

which is currently on 95,388 views. The CGBros gain around 5 subscribers a day and don’t make any money from YouTube. However they work in the Hollywood film industry and have many sponsors which is why they had such a large budget for there short film. There films are aimed at a more specific audience, a younger audience interested in modern CGI techniques and SCI FI and animation films.

Draft Report


Film Riot have a web serious as well as making there short films and this web serious (YouTube Channel) provides them with constant income from You Tube of around 4.0k a month and a yearly income of around 50.0k. This incomeis just from You Tube they also have sponsors that willprovide them with an extra income as well as there separate company Triune Films. There short film “Losses”will increase the ratings and subscribers to the Film Riot Channel increasing the profit they make and also helping to advertise there company. The shirt film is in some ways a marketing stunt. The film shows off the skill that Triune Films and Film Riot have as a way of advertising there companies. It also, like I mentioned earlier, increases there viewers and subscribers which in the long run increases there income and helps them advertise themselves.

The CGBros have no income from there You Tube channel which doesn’t matter to them as they just use it as an advertisement feature to there company. They work in the film industry and make most there money from this. This would also explain why they had such a large budget for there short film and such modern state of the art technology.

Draft Report


The first thing I thought about when I decided to do a action film was the fight scenes. I new that having practically no budget and limited filming supplies would mean that creating a realistic fight scene would not be easy. The You Tube Channel Film Riot, who made the short film “Losses”, made an episode after releasing the short film about how the created the fight scene in it with no budget and home made equipment. There where a few helpful techniques shown in this episode such as shooting the shot far away from the fight and zooming in as this makes the perspective of the image flatter making harder to see that the actors have not actually hit each other. Another technique shown and a really important one is the angle at which you shoot each shot to make it look like the actors are really hitting each other, this is important to making a realistic fight scene. The most helpful tip was showing how if you shoot the shot from the side that the actor is punching to then it look like the actor has been hit. This shot is at the wrong

angle as you can clearly see he is not actually hitting the other actor.

This shot is from the right angle and look much more realistic as if the actor is actually hitting the other one

This shot is by far the best angle and uses the best technique. They have zoomed in from far away to make the perspective of the shot flatter and look closer together. The angle they used is the side of the face that the actor is punching to so you can not see the gap between the actors fist and the other actors face.

Draft Report 2

Audience:Film riot created the short film “Losses” and then uploaded to YouTube in order to share it to the public for free. The short film iscurrently on 747,477 views and its still climbing despite being uploaded 2 years ago. The YouTube channel Film Riot is gaining around 500 to 600 subscribers each day Making there monthly earnings around 4.1K and there yearly earning around 50.0K. However they still advertise companies and will be making extra income from these companies as well. Film Riot already have 692,681 subscribers so they know who there target audience is when making a short film. Film riot already know there audience are interested in films and how to make them so they need to show of fancy techniques in there short films and make it look professional. The majority of film riots audience will be students studying some form of film. The age range could vary from 16 to 20 year olds as it could be students in school, college or even university that watch the show. The program is made to help people create professional looking films using cheap, even home made gear as most young film makers will have a low budget.

The CGBros directed the short CGI film “Shifter” which is currently on 95,388 views. The CGBros gain around 5 subscribers a day and don’t make any money from YouTube. However they work in the Hollywood film industry and have many sponsors which is why they had such a large budget for there short film. There films are aimed at a more specific audience, a younger audience interested in modern CGI techniques and SCI FI and animation films. There work involves using thousands of pounds of equipment as there budget for the short films they make is much larger then film riots. The CGBros company is a modern one using modern technology and keeping up with technology as it develops. They create films depending on what the trend is at the time.

Draft Report


Film Riot have a web serious as well as making there short films and this web serious (YouTube Channel) provides them with constant income from You Tube of around 4.0k a month and a yearly income of around 50.0k. This incomeis just from You Tube they also have sponsors that willprovide them with an extra income as well as there separate company Triune Films. There short film “Losses”will increase the ratings and subscribers to the Film Riot Channel increasing the profit they make and also helping to advertise there company. The short film is in some ways a marketing stunt. The film shows off the skill that Triune Films and Film Riot have as a way of advertising there companies. It also, like I mentioned earlier, increases there viewers and subscribers which in the long run increases there income and helps them advertise themselves.

The CGBros have no income from there You Tube channel which doesn’t matter to them as they just use it as an advertisement feature to there company. They work in the film industry and make most there money from this. This would also explain why they had such a large budget for there short film and such modern state of the art technology.

Draft Report


The first thing I thought about when I decided to do a action film was the fight scenes. I new that having practically no budget and limited filming supplies would mean that creating a realistic fight scene would not be easy. The You Tube Channel Film Riot, who made the short film “Losses”, made an episode after releasing the short film about how the created the fight scene in it with no budget and home made equipment. There where a few helpful techniques shown in this episode such as shooting the shot far away from the fight and zooming in as this makes the perspective of the image flatter making harder to see that the actors have not actually hit each other. Another technique shown and a really important one is the angle at which you shoot each shot to make it look like the actors are really hitting each other, this is important to making a realistic fight scene. The most helpful tip was showing how if you shoot the shot from the side that the actor is punching to then it look like the actor has been hit. This shot is at the wrong

angle as you can clearly see he is not actually hitting the other actor.

This shot is from the right angle and look much more realistic as if the actor is actually hitting the other one

This shot is by far the best angle and uses the best technique. They have zoomed in from far away to make the perspective of the shot flatter and look closer together. The angle they used is the side of the face that the actor is punching to so you can not see the gap between the actors fist and the other actors face.

Draft Report


The two short films I looked at are both action films, however they both approach filming this genre in different ways. Triune Films choreograph there fight scene then split it into five section to make it much easier to film, as well as much quicker to film. They also had less equipment then the CGBros and used the shaky cam technique to create a realistic fight scene. The CGBros on the other hand had thousands of pounds of equipment and also had more then one fight scene in there short film. They also had more time then Triune Films so had more time to choreograph there fight scenes and re-shoot them as many times as they needed until they got the result they wanted.

The book, article and YouTube show I looked all on how to create a short film had some very good points. The one key point I took on the most was that in a short film there needs to be drama and conflict, this is what makes them interesting. The key thing as well to making a short film is to have a good opening shot, one that catches the audiences attention and drags them into the film. This shot needs to be classy and show of your skills as it represents what the rest of the film will be like.