SGIP: Delivering Value to Utilities



Learn how the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel delivers value to utilities. Without SGIP, integration of interoperable technologies for the multitrillion-dollar smart grid industry would be slower, less efficient and more costly. SGIP Works for Utilities by • Keeping up with multiple processes and standards efforts is a massive time-sink, for you and your staff. SGIP is establishing a program to provide regular updates on areas of concern and interest, and access to the tools and experts to have your staff drill down only where needed. • SGIP is also maintaining its traditional role of supporting the NIST effort, but this too provides you benefits. ◦ The processes of mapping overlaps and gaps in functions and capabilities will identify red flags in equipment and options, which is invaluable information to have during technology acquisition processes. ◦ SGIP is in a position of providing a “vendor agnostic” view of Standards processes changes and unbiased assessments of impacts on your operations and businesses. ◦ SGIP remains a gathering place for respected and trusted experts and speakers who are focused on your industry, and your future. • SGIP not only brings together expertise from SDOs and others involved in the industry. It provides a platform for Utilities to interact and share their experiences with different standards, vendors and product deployments. We provide a Utilities Forum as a meeting ground where you can interact and collaborate in a safe and trusted environment. ◦ Utilities traditionally have “mutual aid” agreements to help each other through times of crisis. The SGIP Smart Grid Implementation Methods Committee provides a forum for utilities that extends that concept from line crews to the Executive Suite and the Boardroom. The technology transitions in this industry benefit when companies pull together and collaborate. ◦ That mutual aid concept extends also to standards research and standards advocacy. Yes, there are standards advocates, and they will try to pull standards in directions that benefit them. SGIP is different because it’s neutrality addresses gaps in standards and works to bridge them. ◦ SGIP is a unique opportunity and gathering place for utilities, regulators, vendors, system integrators, research scientists, and government agencies across the entire spectrum of Smart Grid stakeholders. ◦ SGIP will also provide a place where members have access to real-world experience of other companies from “lessons learned” to “how not to get burned.”

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SGIPDelivering Value to Utilities



orchestrates the work behind power grid modernization

What keeps You up at Night? What are the impacts of your technology choices…

In ongoing operations, support and upgrade costs?

On regulatory & consumer relationships and future tariff decisions?

How do you stay current with the velocity of technology changes… To future-proof your acquisition decisions?

To avoid stranded assets?

Technology acquisition decisions could be improved with more knowledge…

In collaboration with other utilities

Leveraging practical advice of industry experts in trusted forums

…if you had the time & resources to keep up with all new info and meetings

Technology Decisions have impacts beyond OperationsMissed opportunities, second-guessed technology decisions, and deployment missteps can cause Questions from regulators about utility technology


Friction and delays in utility decisions from ratepayers, taxpayers, and voters requiring more information

Reductions in stock prices or bond ratings from Wall Street

SGIP helps you avoid these outcomes

Many Utility Functions Benefit from SGIP Membership

C-Level Executive



Planning & Managem





Customer Service ICT



Program Managem


SGIP Works for You SGIP represents utility perspectives to standards

development organizations (SDOs) and industry associations Gathers utility requirements & identifies gaps in the range of

standards Amplifies collective utility perspectives about important

standards Breaks standards silos and promotes non-proprietary standards Encourages standards in proprietary solutions to avoid stranded


Your participation demonstrates proactive planning for future operations Standards-based products = lower integration and operational

costs Builds defensible acquisitions decisions based on lifecycle costs Helps influence your customers’ technology decisions about

microgrids, distributed energy resources, and demand response

SGIP Works for You Simplifies technology decisions

Eliminates utility resource time and money following multiple SDO committees for

Demand Response, Microgrids, Distributed Network Protocol (DNP)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) mapping …

Provides standards migration guidance by mapping overlaps and gaps

Delivers standards-agnostic explanations of business impacts of SDO activities and standards status around the world

Enables you to interact with experts and speakers on important topics such as Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Distributed Energy Resources, cybersecurity, and privacy

SGIP Works for You

Enables standards information exchanges Builds a collaborative, trusted and transparent forum

sharing practical standards advice and hands-on knowledge about Smart Grid deployments not available elsewhere

Extends mutual aid concept into standards research and advocacy

Provides a unique gathering place for utilities, regulators, vendors, system integrators, research scientists, and government agencies

Catalogs utility lessons learned and how not to get burned

Your SGIP Partnership Delivers Tangible Benefits Your utility saves time and money Your technology acquisition decision risks

are minimized You gain new specialized, collaborative

forums for standards decisions and deployments

You gain impartial and expert guidance about standards activity and their business impact

For More Information


Patrick Gannon:



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