Self Guided Social Media Training PowerPoint


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Maranda Bryant, Amanda Edwards, Kaneika Hampton and Lisa Uselton

AET/562September 28, 2015

Professor Kathryn Wyatt

Self-Guided Social Media Training

• Social learning is a concept that has become popular within the education and business world.

• Learning no longer has to occur within the four walls of a classroom as it was traditionally done.

• Social learning erases the classroom walls, and the exchange of information can happen in various environments such as a café, online chat or a social outing.

• Social learning enables a group of three or more people to come together to share knowledge and learn from one another.

• Social learning builds confidence, communication, and problem-solving skills. The world of technology provides numerous tools that bring individuals together to create and maintain a social learning environment.


Social Learning

- Knowledge Base

- Learning Management System (LMS)

- Learning Community

Employee Development

- Virtual Meetings

- Enterprise Instant Messaging

- Intranet Site

- Support System


The Role of Social Learning

• Innovation

• Strong relationships

• Collaboration

• High Productivity

• High morale


• Lack of participation

• Lack of Leadership support

• Bullying

• Discrimination

• Lack of tools


Social Learning

Problem Solving through Social Learning

Understanding the toolsProper trainingHaving policies

in place

Advantages of Social

Learning in the Workplace

Business Issues

Building relationships

Addressing Business Issues and Strengthening Relationships through Social Learning

• Business Issues and Building Relationships

• Employees reluctant to embrace social learning in the workplace

• Lack of universal social learning support in the workplace

• Empower employees through relationship building

• When relationships are established, expectations can be clearly communicated.

Advantages of Social Learning in the Workplace

• Heightened results in learner performance on the job

• Helps to build employee development, performance, and growth.

• Promotes workplace innovation

• Promotes social networking and mentoring opportunities

Chat Seguro


• popular social networking web site enables users to connect by sharing status updates, personal photos and other items of interest.

Benefits• Connect with anyone in real time


• Groups can only have 5000 people in them, only allowed so many likes


• If you have a huge company over seas then one Facebook page would not be enough for you and you would have to maintain more than one page.


Social Media Tools

Description • Instant messaging for business

Benefits• Save time and effort

Limitations • Legal risk


• example, two employees swapping crude jokes

Slide Share

Description • Social media for classrooms only

Benefits• Able to give and receive assignments online

Limitations • I pads do not have the full site that a desk top does


• Teachers gives a lab and the student completes it and turns it in without and paperwork or seeing each other.


Social Media Tools


• Social media site where you can share presentations.

Benefits• Can use it as a search tool.

Limitations • some features are lost on upload

Examples • Sharing a power point for class or business.

• As social learning continues to develop and expand so will the variety of tools that have been developed to support it within organizations.

• These tools assist organizations in creating and maintaining an effective social learning environment within their organization.

• Each one of these tools is important for creating a social learning environment because of their ability to encourage and support social learning through a virtual environment.

• Organizations benefit greatly from the use of these tools because they aid in the development of individuals.

• They also encourage individuals to collaborate, communicate and to build a community within the organization.


• Future Workplace. (2012, September 13). What is social learning?[Video file]. Retrieved from

• Images for Social Learning. (10 May 2013. Web.) 27 Sept. 2015. Retrieved from learning


• Social Learning in a Corporate Environment. (2015, March 10). Retrieved September 27, 2015, from
