Science 3 parts of the eye



Educational Technology 2

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Each of your eyes is also shaped like a ball. That’s why it is called eyeball


The eye has a tough transparent cover called cornea

The colored part is the iris

In the middle of the iris is the pupil

At the back of the pupil is the lens

The retina is a thin membrane at the back of the interior of the eye

The retina has a cell that are sensitive to light. These cells are attached to the optic nerves

Common Ailments of the Eye

Stye- a small inflamed swelling on the rim of the eyelid

Sore eyes- when your eyes become reddish caused by an infection.

Common Eye Defects

Farsighted- able to see things more clearly when they are far

Nearsighted- able to see things more clearly when they are near

Cross-eyed- a disorder in which both eyes cannot be focused on the same point at the same time

Caring for your Eyes

Read and do work under a good light. Good light means light that is not too bright nor too dark

When reading, Raise your eyes from the page ones in the while. This will give your eyes time to rest

Do not read in a moving car

Do not rub your eyes w/ your fingers or with a dirty handkerchief

Your eyes are important sense organs. Take good care of them
