School Based Health Program




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Health Education: Why should I include Health Education: Why should I include it? How do I implement it?it? How do I implement it?

Shane Roberts

Head of Department (HPE) Pam Beach-Currumbin State High School

District Review Panel ChairHealth Education (Brisbane East and Gold Coast)

Essential Learnings

Physical Activity

Personal Development

HealthHealth has physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual dimensions, which are dynamic, interrelated and interdependent The interaction between personal, social, cultural and environmental factors influences health behaviours, including nutrition and physical activity choices. Individual, group and community action, that enables people to adopt health promotion strategies, can address inequities and promote health and well being, includng safety. Adolescents can meet their specific nutritional needs through eating foods that reflect the dietary guidelines.

H ealth o utcom es are inf lue n ced b y the interre latio nships betw een hea lth determ inants . e .g . W h ile socio eco no m ic sta tu s is th e sin g le stro ng est ind ica to r fo r h ea lth

ou tco m e s, ed uca tio n a nd enviro nm en t a re a lso in te rde pe nd en t ind ica to rs.

• The health is su es of ado lescents im pac t on th e h ealth of fam ilies , an d v ice versa. e .g . Ado lescen ce is a tim e o f em o tio na l tu rm o il a nd em erg ing h ea lth issu es (e .g .

i l l ic it d ru g u se , sexu a l h ea lth ) fo r m any you ng pe op le a s the y strive fo r in d ivid ua l ide n tity an d b e lo ng ing w ith the ir p ee rs a nd w ith in the fam ily.

• H ealth y ea tin g im proves pe rform ance in all are as of life.

Senior Health Education

Health is a quality of life that is influenced by the interactions between individuals and their sociocultural, physical, political and economic environments. The changing nature of this interactive relationship has a significant impact on health. The personal qualities that individuals bring to these interactions are constantly changing in response to influences from the context in which they live and work. The focus of Health Education is the understanding of health in the context of society and the mechanisms necessary to develop and promote health for individuals, groups, communities and nations.

To achieve these goals, the two conceptual frameworks adopted for this syllabus are: the social view of health with an embedded social justice framework, and the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, specifically the five Action Areas from the Charter

So what is the progression?

7 - 9


11 - 12

Socio-cultural influences on health behavioursDimensions of healthHealth promotion actionsNutrition

Socio-cultural influences on health behavioursRelationship between family health and personal healthNutrition

Socio-cultural influences on health behavioursSocial JusticeHealth Promotion







Learning about a particular health topic. Example is specific focus on a disease or condition. Understanding the effects of the health condition on the body.

Explore the influence of a range of factors on health conditions. Example is focus on peer pressure and its influence on substance experimentation. Understanding the effects of our relationships on health.

Explores the sicial justice impact of society on health. Example is an investigation of media bias on self esteem of teenagers. Understanding the influence of our interactions in a global society on the health or ourselves and others.

Prom oting curriculum , teaching and learning im provem ents

enhancing positive ethos and environm ent

D eveloping better partnerships and services


consulting evaluatingprioritising

to play role in

W hat is health prom otion?

• “..any action taken to m axim ise hea lth and w e ll-be ing am ong popu la tions and ind iv idua ls .”

• C hang ing env ironm ents• Social, physical, economic, educational, cultural

• E nhancing ‘cop ing ’ capac ity• G iving power, knowledge, skills and resources

to individuals, families, communities and groups

• N ational A c tion P lan for P ro m otion, P revention and E arly Interve ntion for M enta l H e alth 2000

Effective education is health prom oting

Nature of learning

Good teaching



A c tiv e le a rn in g , s o lv in g p ro b le m s , u s in g k n o w le d g e , s e ttin g o w n

le a rn in g g o a ls

M u lti-d im e n s io n a l te a c h in g : g u id e , s h o w ,

c o a c h , in te rv e n e

In c re a s e d b o n d in g , L ife-s k ills ta u g h t, h ig h

e x p e c ta tio n s

In c re a s e d b o n d in g , c a rin g & s u p p o rt, h ig h

e x p e c ta tio n s

M e ta c o g n itiv e , in te rd is c ip lin a ry,

d e p th n o t b re a d th , c o n n e c te d to re a l w o rld

In c re a s e d b o n d in g , h ig h e x p e c ta tio n s , o p p o rtu n itie s fo r

p a rtic ip a tio n

O u tp u t in d ic a to rs , h o lis tic , p e rfo rm a n c e a n d re a l w o rld b a s e d

In c re a s e d b o n d in g , c a rin g & s u p p o rt, h ig h

e x p e c ta tio n s , o p p o rtu n itie s fo r p a rtic ip a tio n

R e silie n cy in Sch o o ls: M a kin g It H a p p e n fo r stu d e n ts a n d Ed u ca torsN a n H e n d e rso n a n d M ileM ilste in C o rw in P re ss, Th o u sa n d Oa ks U SA 1 9 9 6

E d u c a tio n a l C h a n g e

R e s ilie n c y B u ild in g F a c to rs
