Scenes from printer's apprentice




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The Printer’s Apprentice

by Stephen Krensky

New York City


New York City, 1700s

New York Harbor

New York Harbor

Bay of New York

Harbor Scene, 1700s

British Navy Ship of the Line

18the Century Sailing Ships

18th Century Rowboat Ferry

18th Century Sailors

New York Gazette

New-York Weekly Journal

Peter Zenger’s Newspaper

18th Century Printing Shop

18th Century Printshop

Trays of Type

18th Century Paper Mill

18th Century Bookbinder

Collect Pond50 Acre Pond in Lower Manhattan

Rattle-Watch and Rattle

Market Street, Philadelphia

Early Fire Engines

Andrew HamiltonGovernor Cosby John Peter Zenger

Chief Justice Delancy(clockwise from top left)

Geradus Stuyvesant

Cadwallader Colden

William Smith, Lawyer

Andrew Hamilton, Lawyer

On November 2, 1734, Royal Governor issues Cosby ordered four of Zenger's Weekly Journal burned.

Zenger Trial

Zenger Trial


Zenger Trial

Zenger Trial

First Amendment to the United States Constitution

FIRST AMENDMENT, 1791 -- Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
