Router components in hindi


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Router components

Introduction to router components in Hindi

Router boot process in Hindi

Types of router ports in Hindi

Introduction to router components

एक router कई क क components क उ क ए क

Cisco router क 4 क memory औ 2 क ports क Cisco

router क basic components इ क






Ports (Interfaces & lines)

Command Line Interface

ROM एक bootstrap program ROM monitor क router क

on क bootstrap program hardware diagnostic perform क

Power On Self Test क diagnostic successful bootstrap

program flash memory IOS क क load क Flash memory क

rewrite क क इ Cisco router क IOS क upgrade क क ability

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bootstrap क IOS flash memory ROM IOS क

temporary version load क ROM क rewrite erase क क

device क upgrade क क क ROM क change क

IOS flash memory इ RAM load क इ क

bootstrap NV-RAM Startup-Configuration file क NV-RAM non

volatile RAM इ ए इ क contents erase

IOS क startup configuration file TFTP server

configuration file load क क क क TFTP server respond

क IOS initial configuration mode enter इ mode user

questions router क quickly configure क

IOS क NV-RAM startup configuration file इ RAM load

क औ running configuration file


Cisco IOS 4 क memory इ क

Memory Description

ROM read only memory router hardwired

ROM क bootstrap program power on self

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test perform क इ ROM monitor mode क

router IOS find क व ROM boot

FLASH By default router IOS क ए flash memory क

search क औ IOS क boot क electronically

erasable programmable read only memory

RAM इ dynamic random access memory क RAM

Cisco router क CPU क working area इ memory

running configuration file औ routing tables stored

NV-RAM इ non volatile random access memory क NV-

RAM startup configuration file stored system

क startup क


Cisco IOS interfaces औ lines 2 क ports इ क

Interfaces router क devices क routers औ switches connect क

क network data इ ports क travel क

क common interfaces क ए

Serial interface

Ethernet interface

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Fast Ethernet interface

Interfaces क उ क औ number क व identify क उ क ए

ethernet interface क Ethernet0 क क router families

व modular इ ए उ interfaces क slots organize क इ ए

उ interface number क slot number क slot

क 2 interface क इ क क


क ports उ connect क router क configure क क

इ lines क क ports क ए

Console ports

Auxiliary ports

VTY ports

Interfaces क lines क line type औ line number क व identify क

इ ए console port क इ


Command line interface (CLI)

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Cisco router क interact क क ए IOS एक command line interface

provide क Cisco devices क configure औ manage क क ए command

line interface option इ console, modem औ telnet

connection क व access क क इ commands क type क

औ execute क व

Router booting process

Cisco एक booting process क इ process क explain क

1. Router क power on क

2. ROM bootstrap program load

3. Bootstrap program POST (Power On Self Test) run क

4. Bootstrap flash memory IOS क load क क क -

1. flash memory IOS bootstrap ROM basic

IOS क load क

2. flash memory IOS इ RAM load क

5. IOS NV-RAM startup config file क load क क क -

1. startup configuration file NVRAM IOS TFTP

server एक configuration file load क क क

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2. TFTP server respond क router initial configuration

mode enter

3. startup config file NVRAM इ RAM load क

6. Startup configuration RAM running configuration

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