Rizal in Paris


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•March 1889 – The Universal Exposition of 1889•World’s fair held in Paris, France. 100th Anniversary of

the “storming of the Bastille”, an event traditionally considered as the symbol for the beginning of the French Revolution.• It attracted thousands of tourists so that all hotel

accommodations were taken• It was extremely difficult for a visitor to find living

quarters in Paris.•Rizal was very disgusted because the French landlords,

take advantage of raising the rents of their rooms.

•Valentin Ventura – Rizal’s friend where he lived for a short time in No. 45 Rue Maubeugue.• Filipino Roommates of Rizal:•Capitan Justo Trinidad - former gobernadorcillo of

Santa Ana, Manila and refugee from Spanish tyranny.• Jose Albert – young student from Manila

LIFE IN PARIS1889-1990

1. Rizal spent most of his time in the reading room of Bibliotheque Nationale.

2. During his spare hours, he used to dine at the homes of his friends:-Pardo de Taveras-the Venturas-the Ramirezes- the Rochas

3. Frequent visitor of the Boustead family4. Continue his study of languages5. On Sundays, he attended the fencing lessons at the studio of Luna.6. He carried on his artistic hobby.


•During his first summer vacation in Madrid, Rizal went to Paris, gay capital of France• The prices of food, drinks, theatre, tickets, laundry,

hotel accommodations, and transportation were too high for Rizal’s slender purse so that he commented in a letter to his family: “Paris is the costliest capital in Europe.”

• June 17 to August 20, 1883- Rizal sojourn in Paris• Hotel de Paris- located on 37 Rue de Maubange wherein

Rizal billeted but later, he moved to a cheaper hotel on 124 Rue de Rennes in the Latin Quarter• Laennec Hospital- where Rizal observed Dr.

Nicaise treating his patients• Lariboisiere Hospital- where Rizal observed

the examination of different diseases of women• Rizal was impressed by the way the Spanish Mason openly

and freely criticized the government policies and lambasted the friars, which could not be done in Philippines

• March 1883- Rizal joined the Masonic lodge called Acacia in Madrid• Rizal’s reason for becoming a mason was to secure

Freemansory’s aid in his fight against the friars in the Philippines• Lodge Solidaridad (Madrid) – Rizal transferred where he

became a Master Mason on November 15, 1890• February 15, 1892- Rizal was awarded the diploma

as Master Mason by Le Grand Orient de France in Paris• Science, Virtue and Labor- Rizal’s only Masonic writing; a

lecture which he delivered in 1889 at Lodge Solidaridad, Madrid

• After Rizal’s departure for Spain, things turned from bad to worse in Calamba: (1) harvests of rice and sugarcane failed on account of drought and locusts (2) the manager of the Dominican-owned hacienda increased

the rentals of the lands (3) a dreadful pest killed most of the turkeys. Due to hard times in Calamba, the monthly allowances of Rizal in Madrid were late in arrival and there were times when they never arrived. • June 24, 1884- a touching incident in Rizal’s life in Madrid

wherein he was broke and was unable to take breakfast• - Rizal attended his class at the university, participated in the

contest in Greek language and won the gold medal

• These student demonstrations were caused by the address of Dr. Miguel Morayta, professor of history, at the opening ceremonies of the academic year on November 20, in which he proclaimed “the freedom of science and the teacher”• The Rector, who also took the side of the students, was forced to resign

and was replaced by Doctor Creus, “a very unpopular man, disliked by everybody”• November 26, 1884- Rizal wrote the recounting tumultuous riots to his family• June 21, 1884- Rizal completed his medical course in Spain; he was conferred

the degree of Licentiate in Medicine by the Universidad Central de Madrid

• The next academic year (1884-1885), Rizal studied and passed all subjects leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine but he did not present the thesis required for graduation nor paid the corresponding fees, he was not awarded his Doctor’s diploma

• June 19, 1885- on his 24th birthday, Rizal was awarded the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters by the Universidad Central de Madrid with the rating of “Excellent”: (Sobresaliente)

• November 26, 1884- a letter to Rizal’s family written in Madrid wherein he said “My doctorate is not of very much value to me… because although it is useful to a university professor, yet, I believe they (Dominican friars—Z) will never appoint me as such in the College of Santo Tomas. I say the same thing of philosophy and letters which may serve also for a professorship, but I doubt if the Dominican fathers will grant it to me.”


• In this article, he expressed his views on the Spanish colonization in the Philippines• He predicted with amazing accuracy the tragic end of Spain’s sovereignty in Asia• Parts:- Beginning - glorious past of the Filipino people - Middle - economic stagnation and happiness under the harsh Spanish Rule- Last - peered into the future and warned Spain of what would happen to her colonial empire in Asia if she would not adopt a more liberal & enlightened policy toward the Philippines


•Defense of the alleged indolence of the Filipinos•Critical study of the causes why the Filipinos did not work hard during the Spanish regime•Main thesis: the Filipinos are not by nature indolent

• 10 Causes of decline in economic life:- Native revolts and other internal disorders- Wars which the Filipinos fought for Spain (Dutch, Portuguese, English, etc.)- Raids on the coastal towns and village by the Muslim pirates of Mindanao and Sulu- Forced labor- Lack of stimulus to work harder (people could not enjoy the fruits of their labor)

- Government neglect and indifference (agriculture, industry, and commerce)- Bad example shown by Spaniards - despising manual labor- Teaching of Spanish missionaries- Gambling- System of Spanish education



• Jose Albert accompanied Rizal to move to Brussels.

Jose Alejandro an engineering student who replaced Jose Albert.

• They stayed in a boarding house at • 38 Rue Philippe Champagne. • Rizal lived in this house when • he wrote his novel‘El Filibusterismo’ • in 1890-1891 The boarding house is run by

two Jacoby sisters named Suzanne and Marie.

• Rizal spent his time writing his second novel, El Filibusterismo. • •He also wrote articles for La Solidaridad and letter for his family and

friends. • •He also spent his remaining time doing gymnastic in the gymnasium,

target practice and fencing at the armory.

Articles published in La Solidaridad • The articles he wrote for La Solidaridad during his stay in Brussel. • •“A La Defensa” (To La Defensa), April 30, 1889. • •“La verdad Para Todos” ( The Truth For All), May 31, 1889. • •“Vicente Barrantes’ (Teatro Tagalo) June 15, 18889 • •“Una Profanacion” (A Profanation), July 31, 1889 • •“Verdades Nuevas” (New Truths), July 31, 1889 • •“Crueldad” (Cruelty), August 15, 1889 • •“Differencias” (Differences), September 15, 1889 • •“Inconsequencias” (Inconsequences), November 30, 1889 • •“Llanto y Risas” (Tears and Laughters), November 30, 1889 • • “Ingratitudes” (Ingratitude), January 15, 1890

New tagalog orthography • Sobre la Nueva Ortografia de la Lengua Tagala The New Orthography

of the Language • •Rizal adapted the Filipinized tagalog in his translations of Schiller’s

Wilhelm Tell and Andresen’s Fairy Tale • •Rizal gave credit to Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera’s work El Sanscrito

en Lengua Tagala

Rizal Criticizes Madrid Filipinos for Gambling • MAY 28, 1890 – Rizal wrote to Marcelo H. del Pilar to remind the

Filipinos in Madrid that they went to Europe to work for their Fatherland’s freedom and not to gamble.

• Through gambling they are showing that the Filipinos are not worthy of freedom but of slavery • •They should spend their time doing something noble and generous

because the youth is noble and generous • •The gambling Filipinos in Madrid became very angry when they

learned of Rizal’s moralizing that they called him “Papa” (pope) instead of “Pepe”.

PRESINTEMENT OF DEATH • Rizal had a bad dreams during the night in Brussels. • •LETTER TO DEL PILAR: • •In my childhood I had a strange belief that I would not reach 30

years of age. • •I am preparing myself for death. • • Laong Laan (Ever Ready) is my true name.

PREPARATION TO GO HOME • Rizal could not stay in Brussels writing a book while his parents,

relatives and friends in the Philippines were prosecuted. RIZAL’S LETTER TO PONCE: “I want to go back to the Philippines, and although I know it would be daring and imprudent, what does that matter ? The only thing that can detain me is a doubt whether my parents agree. Iam afraid to disturb their last years . In case they should object my homecoming, I would work for a livelihood in some part of the world.” • •Rizal’s friends warned him of the danger that awaited him at home

Decision to go to Madrid • Something happened that made Rizal change his plan in returning to

the Philippines when he received a letter from Paciano which related that they lost the case against the Dominicans in Manila but they appealed it to the Supreme Court in Spain. June 20, 1890 – Rizal wrote to M. H. Del Pilar retaining the latter’s service as a lawyer and informed Del Pilar that he was going to Madrid, in order to supervise the handling of the case. July 29, 1890 – he wrote a letter to Ponce announcing that he was leaving Brussels at the beginning of the following month and would arrive Madrid about the 3rd and 4th of August.

• August 1890 - He arrived in Madrid, burdened with sorrow brought about by terrible news about his family and the worsening trouble in his hometown Spanish newspapers. - El Resumen, El Dia, La Justicia and El Globo “to cover the ears, open the purse, and fold the arms” – El Resumen (liberal Spanish newspaper), in an article they published which talks about the colonial policy of the Spaniards especially those in the Philippines and other colonies December 1890 - Rizal spent a cold month with a letter from Leonor Rivera asking his forgiveness and telling him about her forthcoming marriage to an Englishman chosen by her mother.

Romance with petite Jacoby


FAILURE TO GET JUSTICE FOR HIS FAMILYWhen Rizal arrived in Madrid, he implored help from Asociacion Hispano-Filipina and other liberal Spanish newspapers to secure those Calamba tenants and his family.

* Marcelo H. del Pilar – lawyer* Dr. Dominador Gomez – secretary of

Asociacion Hispano-Filipina*Senor Fabie – Minister of Colonies To help him protest the injustices committed by Governor-General

Valeriano Weyler and Dominicans

Aborted Duel With Antonio Luna *Jose Rizal – better pistol shot*Antonio Luna – superior as a swordsman

But, when Luna became sober, he realized how foolish he did. Immediately, he apologize to Rizal and the latter forgave making them good friend again.


Rizal was not a hot-tempered nor he was quarrelsome in nature, but if his parents and family were attack, he never falter nor stammer to fight just to save them.*Wenceslao Retana

- talented Spanish scholar- press agent of the friars in Spain- Rizal’s bitter enemy in pen

RIZAL CHALLENGES RETANA TO DUELHe wrote an article in La Epoca which was an anti-Filipino newspaper in Madrid. The article declares that Rizal’s family and friends were ejected from Calamba because they did not paid their rents.

Rizal, after hearing the insult was enraged and challenged Retana to a duel for only Retana’s blood can be accepted as an apology because of what he had done to Rizal’s family.

Infidelity of Leonor Rivera• Autumn of 1890: Rizal attended a play at Teatro Apolo in Madrid. It

was there where he lost his gold watch chain with a locket containing the picture of Leonor Rivera, his beloved sweetheart.

• December 1890: Rizal received a letter from Leonor, announcing her coming marriage to an Englishman and asking his forgiveness. That letter was a great blow to him.