Riley C 2046 homework


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Hot topics in 2046With the worlds population reaching 10.6 billion there has been huge pressure on the worlds resources such as food , water and medical facility's. World governments have now declared all new housing developments must be able to recycle their own waste, collect water, harness the Suns power and produce their own green food. Any governments that do not in force these new standards of living are removed from the world trading table and are forced out into the cold.

We could no longer ignore the way our past generations had abused the earth creating toxic environment which affects our land, sea and air quality.


Where and how I live....I live in Auckland city, it has a population of 4 million now. My house is a modern home which recycles all waste, produces its own power through solar panels on the roof and collects its rain water in large underground tanks. Due to Auckland's every growing population the Government now requires this of all house holds. Everything in my house is 3D printed such as my Furniture, plates, cups and spoons. I also grow vegetables in my kitchen.


My job isI travel to work in my solar powered flying car. I just select my location on the cars computer screen and then it does all the driving or should I say flying for me. accidents are a thing of the past as now computers look after our safety and don't allow us to break any speed controls.

I am a soccer coach for the foot ball ferns. I started this job after I retired from playing in the NZ football ferns as its most famous striker. The uniforms we wear now heat up and cool down as needed by the player. I can collect all sorts of information and stats on each player as their uniforms also have small computers that record things like heart rate, speed, kilometres traveled and food intake. I can bring this information up on my google glasses as I'm coaching.

Daily life Most of my shopping is done on line now. The goods that we order on line are delivered to my home by flying drones. The malls today look very from the malls in 2016. Malls now have only images of products with barcodes underneath which you scan on your communication device. The items are then put into a shopping cart which is placed into your car before you leave.

The clothes I wear are made from organic sustainable 3D thread. I can view items on me, on a screen and then select what I want and then press print. Most of my clothes are multifunctional. E.g a dress can turn into a jacket.

My kids education My kids go to school in an electric hovering travel pod. This keeps them safe and dry.

They do not need to take school bags filled with books, pens, tablet computers or lunches as everything is now provided for at the school.

All computers are now touch screen and standard in every classroom

The subjects they take are more to do with caring for the environment and learning about technology.

Health careTo reduce the number of people ending up in hospitals and clogging up the system, a in home diagnostic tool was developed. This tool talks directly with your doctor and can prescribe the medication which is need. It can also do daily health checks so that you don't become too sick and end up in hospital.

Hospitals have less people in them now because of the the new diagnostic tool and advances in medicine. There are less doctors and surgeons too as some of them have been replaced with robots. robot arms can now do complicated surgery much faster with less infection and no errors which also reduces waiting times and return visits.
