Richard Gelderman: WKU Exemplary Activities We Can Share Now


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Exemplary Activities

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GHOU 2015, Hawaii



Western Kentucky U.

1 learn science by doing science

problems incorporating discovery

topics that are motivating

meaningful use of computers




Exemplary Aspects of HOU

Science & Engineering Practices

• Asking questions and defining problems

• Developing and using models

• Planning and carrying out investigations

• Analyzing and interpreting data

• Using mathematics / computational thinking

• Construct explanations / design solutions

• Engaging in argument from evidence

• Obtaining, evaluating, and

communicating information

Topics that Matter

Reasons for the seasons Phases of the Moon



Supernovae Black Holes Dark Matter

Problems involving discovery

Students are sensitive to the authenticity of investigations

• Craters sizes

• Solar flares

• Galilean Moons

• HOU supernova discovery

• International Astronomical Search Collaboration

• Extrasolar planet transits

Meaningful use of computers

• SalsaJ

• Graphing & analysis software

• Go-Lab



B1 B2 B3 B4

A2 A3 A4



D2 D3

1 network of meter-class telescopes

sketching (naturalist skill)

Solar observations




Activities that work in Kentucky

engaging online tutorials

meter-class telescopes

↵ ↵ ↵

1.3m KPNO

0.6m KY 1.3m Crimea

Available for student research projects

Used for –

supernovae, extrasolar planet transits,

asteroid / comet / Kuiper belt objects

Meaningful use of computers

Wonderful simulator software freely available online

• PhET

• U. Nebraska - Lincoln

PhET simulations:

interactively engage with inquiry based labs

simulations make the invisible visible, include

multiple representations, and illustrate models


a tool to get students to really see

“We need to use all our faculties to the full – to assimilate with the scientist’s brain, the poet’s heart, and the painter’s eyes.” -- Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man

Good sketches include

accurate rendering of:

shape and proportion (relative

height vs. width),

separation and orientation,

lightness and darkness, and

color (possibly).

"Holmes, you see everything.”

"I see no more than you, but I

have trained myself to notice

what I see.”

-- Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier

All of North America can experience this eclipse

Monday 21 August 2017 Solar Eclipse

Prior to the eclipse

Opportunity to get attention of teachers,

students and the general public.

Assure the public with

the positive message

that there are safe

ways to view a total

solar eclipse.