Research Study College Admission Student Digital Media Habits During Post Highschool College Search



This study was conducted to determine how students utilize digital media, including websites, & social media when researching colleges and universities to apply to for admission. It provides marketers insight into the media habits of college students, and is especially beneficial for content marketing agencies and marketing personnel within the The study provides interesting insights for marketers related to how students shop for schools, what people and other factors influence them, what types of devices they use, and more.

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Content Marketing

SurveyStudent search habit study

Survey conducted by

Survey Overview


Sample Size: 876 Respondents

Age: 18-20

Education: Last year of high school to first or second year of college

Gender: Random – even split

Ethnicity: – random

Geographic: all across the United States


45.5% Just completed high school

51.1% Male

48.9% Female

100% 18-20 years old


To gain insight into the habits of college age students, in regard to how they search for colleges & ultimately arrive at their school of choice

Study conducted via


Top 5 Promotional Factors

73.9% - Word of mouth

50.8% - School’s website

45.6% - Private campus visit

43.6% - Direct mail

43.3% Rankings


Website # 2 factor in decision making process

Word of mouth #1 (social media effective here)

Top 5 Website Features

87.7% - Majors & Minors

68.9% - Photos of campus

64.9% - Program descriptions

60.3% - Residence life

59.2% - Class descriptions


Important to have solid academically focused content

Imagery and campus life important (visual content)


Site Visit Frequency

33.3% - 2 to 4 visits

24.6% - 5 to 10 visits

21.0% - 0 to 1 visits

12.9% - 10 to 20% visits

8.2% - 20 or more times


66.7% visited 5 or more times

Theory: reputation of school may have impact on # visits


“Varied greatly between schools. For example, I applied to Dartmouth after only visiting the website once, but I read every single page of Deep Spring's site.”


Website content may be of greater importance for school’s with a less recognizable brand.


Describe the most important feature you want to see?

“I want it to look visually appealing. If the college website doesn't look like they spent time making it appeal to prospective students, or the personality of the website doesn't match my own personality, it puts the school farther down on my list.”

“The pictures of the college should convince me and also I need day to day update of the campus news on their website.”

“An up to date 'picture' of what student life is like (classes, social media, student clubs, etc.)”

“The website should be professional looking and easy to navigate, the most important thing I think should be ability to easily access information on classes and majors.”

“social media conveying the school's spirit”

“I would say the most important feature on the website is making the school seem welcoming. Have pictures of people having fun.”

“Thorough and exciting descriptions of academic programs and courses”


Top 5 Characteristics (of school)

52.7% - Academic reputation

51.8% - Financial aid/scholarship

51.4% - Academic programs

51.1% - Cost/tuition

42.4% - Proximity to home


These are the most important topics and will typically be the first / most frequently visited pages

Devices used

61.7% - Laptop PC

49.6% - Desktop PC

35% - Smartphone

26.2% - Laptop Mac

16.6% - iPad


PC is still more prevalent than Mac for laptops

Mobile devices are increasing significantly as search tools, so optimize site for mobile


Top 5 Personal Influences

84.4% - Parents

71.0% - Friends

34.4% - High school guidance counselor

33.0% - High school teachers

29.8% - Siblings


Important not to lose site of these influencers when designing university marketing strategy

56.4% Used Social Media For Search

87.2% - Facebook

28.7% - Twitter

21.1% - University run blogs

18.2% - Google+

Honorable Mention:

Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube

All visual mediums


Top 4 Decision Impact

77.0% - Facebook

19.1% - Twitter

15.8% - University run blogs

15.4% - Google+

Honorable Mention:

Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube

Again…all visuals

Top 5 Social Media Activities

76.0% - “Likes” Facebook

45.4% - “Comment” Facebook

18.2% - “Share” Facebook

15.1% - “Retweet” Twitter

10.4% - “Photos” Instagram


Hmmm? Any recurring theme stand out?

There are those visuals appearing again with Instagram


“I found the College of William and Mary's blog helpful and friendly at a time when I was stressed about my college search, and this ultimately played a role in my deciding to apply to the college.”

“Their twitter account tweeted about an award that the university received for excellence in a particular field.”

“Seeing how quickly one of my colleges made a Freshmen group for accepted students was lovely and made me feel excited about that university.”

“UVA's Facebook page and blog helped me know that their Early Action decisions would be coming out early, and I was accepted.”

“An experience I can think of was when I contacted an admission contact person on Facebook and we spoke online for sometime on how to apply for Berea college.”

“Looking at the Facebook problem solving page, seeing how students work together to reduce confusion on campus and class scheduling.”

“Social media sites allowed to me get in contact with other students my age who were already enrolled at the college or thinking about it.”

Quotes About Social Media